
Showing posts from October, 2022

Western Culture is the Anti-Culture. Korea demonstrates the hazards of adopting Western Culture.

 Let's see if I can explain this in simple terms... Western Culture, mainly the practice of materialism and religiously chasing fiat money incessantly is the means and method that distract people from understanding the ramifications of what they are participating in. The destruction of themselves and the future of humanity as free, thinking, compassionate and enlightened people. Culture in the form of rituals and traditions has been a way of gently programming the individual's subconscious within a community with long term beneficial behaviors. Those ideals have been systematically removed and replaced with "modern" psychologically design models of advertising and programming that have conditioned the minds of the masses into dumbed-down zombies that are controlled by emotions and addictions. This isn't my suggestion, although I agree with it. This is the experience related from people living in a former third world country that has been transformed into a modern ...