About Agorapulco


Agorapulco is a grassroots effort of the local freedom and voluntaryist community residing in Acapulco part or full-time. It goes on around the annual Anarchapulco event for a time period that stretches into the weeks before and after. It is open to any creative soul who has an important message or idea that benefits humanity.

Everyone is welcome to participate in Agorapulco as long as they are able to get along peacefully. If there is some concern about anyone's behavior it's good to follow the following guidelines:

  1. We practice voluntaryism. Freedom also requires responsibilities. Which means we take responsibility for solving our own problems, we don't defer them to government. We don't accept blaming other people before we give them an opportunity to understand the problem.
  2. If you have a problem with someone's behavior. Grab a trusted third person and confront them directly with your concerns.
  3. If feel you have a problem then it is a concern of the community. We help each other because we desire peace and harmony. We are capable of living peacefully.
  4. If you feel you may be in danger then direct your concerns to a veteran. Ask for their help.
  5. If it's a immediate danger, first remove yourself from the situation, then please contact someone on the Telegram group immediately


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