What is Ethical Emergence 4.0 and How can it assist YOU?

 What is Ethical Emergence 4.0 and Why might it be important to you? 

First, let me congratulate you for making it here. Welcome! It's a very exclusive club these days for those who pursue excellence and strive for liberty. This isn't something someone else does to us, it's our responsibility to either possess it or not. We either honor the discipline and integrity necessary to be uncompromised or we allow ourselves to be compromised. It is unfortunate but, much like the local drug dealer, the system presents an inviting environment to get addicted to compromise... and many do. As your potential Guild and Avivador, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce you to the hope and humanity of the World of Abundance that is always available to you.

Next, let me define and explain these powerful words and symbols. Ethical: is a word often confused, misused and abused but is still a very powerful concept. So I will make it clear. I'm speaking of Applied Ethics, and specifically about one's ability to determine if an action they are taking is harmful or beneficial to themselves or others or both. That may also be described as the difference between stupid (causing harm) and intelligent behavior. Emergence: could be described as breaking out from underneath. As one might emerge from under water... bursting out and taking a deep breathe of fresh air. Or...a pitiful slave conditioned into the tiny World of Scarcity emerging into the expansive World of Abundance as a knowledgeable, capable and valuable free person. 4.0: this is the fourth version after three versions before... each was increasingly better, bordering on excellent. But not quite, until now. Each version is a collaboration and mastermind of all those who have participated in the course prior. It is continually improving!

Combine all that together. 

The best training possible for those of YOU who recognize the power and responsibility of excellence within YOURSELF and YOUR ability to be the value creator without doing harm. To assist YOU in doing so with much greater ease and regularity. You can be an exceptional contributor and beneficiary of the World of Abundance! Further, assisting YOU in taking action to become an example of excellence for the benefit of YOURSELF, YOUR loved ones and community, and YOUR culture. Culture is important! Additionally, to reduce risks, increase benefits, and eliminate harm in all of the projects YOU undertake. YOU will have my promise, I will work harder for YOU than anyone else in this field. How? One, I know powerful secrets to getting things done more efficiently, effectively, and faster. I am willing to share those. Two, I will listen purposefully and carefully to YOUR desires, needs, and aspirations. Three, I will provide YOU with powerful choices. Four, I've been living in a healthy Culture, outside the Anti-Culture Culture (Western "Culture") for an extended period. I have a much bigger picture and appreciation of what a healthy Culture can do for individuals. I am very confident YOU will find my services worth the value exchanged, so much so, I'm willing to prove it.

The Ethical Emergence 4.0 course is a 13 week online adventure and endeavor you will participate in designing for yourself, I will be there to raise and guide your awareness in regard to not only identifying and utilizing your unique strengths but also using them as psychological anchors in building your own daily practices, habits, and rituals that will be powerful levers you can rely on in becoming the person you were meant to be. Stepping up to a higher standard, more cost effectively, and faster than you ever imagined possible. Yes, the impossible is possible! Your ideal self can be realized. A much higher quality of life sooner, rather than later. You will learn about seven specific areas that you can build habits and practices in that will propel you to greater manifestations and confidence. The knowledge you will receive will not only be useful once, it will help you everyday for the rest of you life, if you desire. Similar to riding a bicycle. These habits and practices can become second nature and instead of struggling to constantly battle the system and having to fear all it's potential traps and agents, you will be peacefully and skillfully navigating around them with little concern and much finesse. Able to ponder and focus on even more meaningful purposes and pursuits, enjoyably, playfully. You will have a much great appreciation and trust of your own talents and abilities in areas like Trust, Leadership, Applied Ethics, Organization, Ownership, and Love.

Finally, I prefer to be selective of those I collaborate with. I don't wish to waste anyone's valuable time. Time is, by far, our most valuable resource. I seek the most passionate individuals who wish to live a high quality and meaningful life. Who also want to contribute to reducing unnecessary suffering, reducing stupidity through intelligent acts and exposing the hopelessness of the World of Scarcity for the betterment of humanity. If that is YOU, my objective is YOUR excellence in practice, ASAP. If you strongly desire learning more about improving your relationship with the World of Abundance, please consider reading and answering the following eight questions, and some of the bonus questions, if you wish. Then, schedule an appointment via Calendly. Once scheduled, you can email your responses to these questions, long or short, to the email address provided. From there, sit back and look forward to an uplifting experience. I promise to make the 30 minutes Zoom call valuable to you regardless if we work together or not.

Important Questions:


1A. Describe yourself? Who are YOU? What do YOU see yourself being capable of? Do you have a vision of your ideal self?

1B. Do you want a loving trustworthy circle of very capable people around you, supporting you? 

2. Do you know what the most powerful communicative tool is? What is your most powerful communication tool? Do you regularly develop and hone it? How effective is it?

3. Competence and confidence. Where are you on a scale of 0-100 in these two areas with the three most important things in your life?

4. Do you know the secrets to your success? What is it that you do that make you happy with yourself?

5. Do you understand the Power of Three in things like: Building Trust? Getting things done? Organization? Success? Please explain...

6. Can you be honest with yourself and/or your close friends when it comes to who you are today and who you picture yourself capable of being one day (Your ideal self)?

7. Do you have the courage to confront Truth? Do you have a method to discover or uncover Truth?

8. Who do you advocate for and why? Do you help/ assist others in achieving excellence? Did you/ do you have a mentor you seek counsel with regularly?

Bonus Questions

*1. Describe your daily practices, habits and rituals (weekly, monthly, yearly) in general? Things you do well or poorly, regularly. What hurdles do you seem to repeatedly struggle with?

*2. Do you have a good sense for excellence? In yourself? In others? In products or services?

*3. What does spirituality mean to you? Is there a philosophy of life and death you prescribe to?

My Calendly to schedule a 30 minute meeting to discuss YOUR Freedom, becoming YOUR Ideal Self, and finishing YOUR plan to building a bridge for you to the World of Abundance. And how I can assist YOU the best.   https://calendly.com/mikeonfire


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