About Respirar Acapulco


Respirar Acapulco is a 2 day Expo/Community Peaceful Event that will happen on Feb 12-13th as part of the Agorapulco experience. Hosted in Cafe Rustico in Bonfil, it will feature a group learning experience, presentations by experts and knowledgeable individuals from our greater community, panel discussions, an Agora-marketplace, and a number of unique events that uplift, inform, and introduce the community to each other in a fun and interesting way. It also introduces visitors to the many benefits of Acapulco and what the locals can provide. It will also serve as a group awakening/healing experiment/experience.

Respirar Acapulco is also an extended family. In the era of the aftermath of the destruction of the family in much of modern society. We offer the opportunity to grow

Respirar Acapulco is a collaborative grassroots learning event. We aim to be as inclusive and interactive as possible. This is going to be a short term test as well as a long term planned event because although the 2022 event is a quick assembly, 2023 will be an example of much more. With the world in the state it is… we need to do some quick and effective learning!

Some of the possible activities and categories for the two days of Respirar Acapulco:

Big Talks - Similar to the TED talk format (15-20 min) presentations from people concerned with ethics.

Topic Roundtables - 60-90 minute panel discussions with the most knowledgeable and experienced people available

Canary in the Coal Mine - First hand stories from refugees of the advance of tyranny in Australia

A Tribute to the Ron Paul Revolution movement of 2007-12, the victories, the defeats, and how it was divided and conquered. A repeat of what happened to the Free Silver movement of the 1890’s?

Council of Peace and Common Sense - Representatives of Peaceful People from around the world discuss how peaceful people can contribute to an enlightened society.

Psychological Warfare in the Modern World - the work of Milton Erickson. Mass Formation Psychosis. Externalization of the Individual’s Nervous System. Is Modern Society Schizophrenic? - Socrates to the Metaverse. Quiet Weapons for Silent Wars - Attention/Economy as a power source. Risk Mgmt and Assessment. Healing the damage.

The technology of Addiction - How has it been employed to keep the masses dependent?

Healing Treatments for Wetiko - The Blindness to Blindness psychological disease of modern society. What does an ethical enlightened society look like?

A tribute to Nathan Freeman - Chief Cat Herder for Anarchapulco 2016-18

The Benefits and Detriments of Psychedelics

Developing a Parallel Society - Practices, Rituals, Standards, Expectations, Visions, Culture, Common Sense, Craftsmanship and Excellence. Egregore. From Disenchanted to Determined - Living in the insane asylum called “Modern Society” can be disturbing, finding your tribe can be life altering. Scarcity to Abundance mindset. A Voluntaryist Creative Offensive.

Supply Chain Disruptions/ Inflation - Red flags for established small businesses. Planks of the Communist Manifesto. A hostile environment. Solutions and Choices to be made.

Understanding Public Relations and Marketing - How to navigate the environment, the publicity stunts, attention as a electric current and how it is utilized

What does Excellence look like in Homeschooling?

Germ Theory, Terrain Theory, or more and its implications

Strategic Thinking and Long-Term Planning and its Benefits

Alternative models to conducting Transactions in the Agora marketplace -

A Beauty and Talent Contest and Collaboration with a Gong Show flair… Demonstrating the beautiful things we can identify in each other. 

The Dolphin Idea Release - An alternative approach to small business in the 21st century. It’s like Shark Tank or Dragon’s Den… only the great idea isn’t soaked up and exploited by multinationals, it’s fostered to new heights by the aid and expertise of individuals within the group.


10am Opening Remarks

10:15 Group Discussion on Priorities and decide Schedule for Weekend

11 am Begin Schedule and/or Presentations

Noon - 2pm Lunch (VIP Lunches and Agora)

2pm - 6pm Panels and Topic Discussions
6-8pm Dinner (VIP Dinners and Agora)

8pm - Evening Event (Fun)


8-10am Breakfast (VIP and Agora)

10-Noon Presentations

Noon-2pm Lunch (VIP and Agora)

2pm-6pm Panel/Topic Discussions

6pm Closing Remarks

Evening Event?


  • BCTC - How do we create an alternative parallel society dedicated to enlightenment?
  • Mesh networks for communications and more - A cost effective approach to bolstering communication and network infrastructure
  • Wellness Empowered - Alternative Health organizations and communities
  • Rooftop gardening in Acapulco
  • Acapulco has many advantages - There is a long list why Acapulco may become the capital of the free world (Talking to God)
  • Autonomy - The University of Reason - Deprogram yourself of learned helplessness
  • Autonomy Unlimited - A Ethical Marketing and Consulting company to emulate
  • Ethical Emergence - Practice turning potential into reality everyday. Life Accelerator!
  • Harmony Enhancement - Turn disharmony into harmony in all human interactions
  • Restore Humanity - Retreat and Sanctuary
  • Dealing with and Overcoming Trauma
  •        Group Real Estate Investment via Trusts -
  • Iroquois Confederacy and Constitution - Lessons in Peaceful Coexistence from Natives
  •   Creating a Cooperative with Local Businesses and Local People (Mutual Aid Society) -“Eyesores to Awesome”, Crypto-currencies, and much more


Sponsorship Opportunities

Video Documentary Production

Health Retreats



VIP Breakfasts, Lunches, and Dinners

Community Share Economy Library Additions


Cruises and Boat Outings

Animal Rescue

Crisis Hotline

Skydiving and other adventure events

Topics / Speakers
Agora Marketplace

Volunteer Opportunities - We welcome all innovative and creative ideas. We welcome passionate ethical people. 

Affiliate and related links

Anarchapulco - https://respirar10--anarchapulco.thrivecart.com/anarchapulco-2022-vip/

Autonomy - https://www.universityofreason.com/a/29887/AU3X8puh

Respirar Acapulco - https://respiraracapulco.blogspot.com/2022/01/welcome-to-acapulco.html

Bitchute - “Mike on Fire” Channel  https://www.bitchute.com/channel/lrvnXobTpGJM/


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