
Showing posts from June, 2022

100 years since the Weimar Republic inflated it's currency to zero... and now, we have the Central Banks of the World repeating the manuever!

There's good news and bad news.... You're going to be a millionaire soon! However... an egg will cost YOU $10 million! I thought it was interesting to see this video this morning... in it, he points out a little history of the Weimar Republic, which was installed after Germany lost WWI and had to go into tremendous debt to pay war reparations to the other governments. For those of you who look past the news headlines and bogus history books, the real story was select British oligarchs via British Intelligence getting the politicians in Central Europe, mainly Germany, to rape and pillage their own citizenry for the benefit of a select few industrialists and bankers, primarily in England, the USA, and France. They did this via.... inflation. Something people in the Western world are becoming reacquainted with and will be much more appreciative of a few years from now when they will own nothing and be happy to just be alive. Folks, this isn't just another recession. It's t...

Why is understanding Culture so Important?

"We are living in a world of bullshit! It's high time to say "NO!" to bullshit!" Pardon my French, but this is a serious problem we are all facing. If I'm kind, the alternative word for bullshit is stupidity. I think it's very clear there's far too much of it in the world... but we have to identify the cause, not just rattle on about the effects. Let's start with the definition of the word "Culture" because, the modern definition doesn't match the one found in the 1828 Webster dictionary. Wikipedia: Culture is an umbrella term which encompasses the social behavior, institutions, and norms found in human societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of the individuals in these groups. Culture is often originated from or attributed to a specific region or location. Webster's 1828: Culture: The act of tilling and preparing the earth for crops; cultivation; the application of labor or ot...

Have you identified fun and creative stuff to do today?

 Beginning your day with excitement can make a world of difference on what the outcome is. Looking forward to the day ahead, the people you will interact with, the things you will talk about, the things you will learn and grow from... these are just some of the things that can make life wonderful.  Being able to appreciate your opportunities to not only impact your own life positively, but those around you as well. By thoughtfully approaching each day with the excitement of a child. This world is filled with wonder... if you fill it with wonder. This world is filled with excitement... if you create excitement. Each day can be affected by your design, your attitude, your creativity... Take each day as an opportunity to demonstrate to yourself and those around you just how good life can be... no matter what the circumstance. And remember, practice makes perfect! What roles are you going to be taking on today? How can you add something to those that makes them memorable, fun, exc...

More Bad News for the Crypto World?

Whether it be engineered or simply a result of the blindness of the new generation of business leaders and their followers. The crypto-currency world is headed for more chaos and disappointment. The recent failure of Celcius to continue to conduct business demonstrates there are further hardships ahead. The false hopes and promises of many of the crypto-enthusiasts and entrepreneurs are being recognized as illusions, scams, and just out-right "hopium." There have been many legitimate concerns about the limitations of the technology dismissed as "negativity" and ignorance that are now coming to fruition and as a result, more and more of those who trusted and invested into these enterprises are now withdrawing their support. And as that continues even greater fissures are opening in the promises of the technology. Much like the dot-com bubble. People who had a good marketing angle and were heavily capitalized. Used that opportunity to blow the money on short sided ide...

Who Controls Your Life?

Far too few people understand where control of their life actually lies. I include myself in this group because what we are blind to, we don't see. It's far too easy to focus on things we think or believe is important and ignore things that are truly important. With the breakdown in family and community, the isolation of the modern world (less real world interaction and honest conversations), growing lack of accurate communication tools, the utter malpractice of psychology and psychiatry, the reliance on pharmaceuticals, the absence of nature, the programming and conditioning effect of many of the distractions and tools we have to use, the parroting effect of the issues and narratives being presented to us, etc... There are many ways blindness to our ceding of control to others takes place.  Also, the absence of being aware that ~95% of our behavior is beyond our conscious mind. Within the realm of the subconscious mind. A part of our mind that has no filter. That is susceptibl...

Where do you find Freedom in a Post-Covid World?

For those that appreciate a non-authoritarian standing government, we have some information. As of June 9th, here are the restrictions for vaxxed and unvaxxed Americans that wish to travel abroad.  Can you see the level of influence corporate "medicine" has on governments these days? Which governments are the most corrupted by their influence?  For those who are not vaxxed (have not taken all of the boosters or not taken any at all) For those who are fully vaxxed (having taken all the boosters) Does it strike you as a very strange world we live in? That almost overnight vaccines became the ultimate defense against disease. That almost overnight all the questions about them were no longer valid and that even though, there are multiple manufacturers, there is no hesitation about the chances of some defect in any of the products? Do you wonder how much money and coercion it took to achieve such results? That even though there is loads of evidence that most, if not all of these m...

Where not to be with the Avalanche of Trouble Ahead

 Something I've always advocated for since reading the story of his life is John Boyd's OODA loop. Observe, Orient, Decide and Act is what OODA stands for. With the coming designed economic implosion of the "Great Reset" one has to be keen to be very observant of the risks being presented. Prepared to reorient, make decisions and act quickly. The following video is from Lake Mead which is South of Las Vegas. It's not only the primary source of drinking water to that population but it's also one of the primary power sources for the entire Southwest. As the water level continues to drop, the amount of power that can be generated also drops.  Las Vegas may be in my top five places to not be in the coming plethora of crisis. But let's talk about the other potential danger zones to keep yourself out of. Los Angeles. California is a state that has mismanaged it's investments into infrastructure for decades. The entire state has a number of hazards to take se...

The Art of Loving Relationships: The Five Love Languages for Projects?

To continue the series on loving relationships and the success of my previous Nine Steps to a Loving Relationship  article, let's talk about applying an interesting book and concept from author Gary Chapman... "The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate" to our lives in an interesting and fun way. The book came out in 1992. It received a fair amount of attention (I'm sure you could find it at your local library or bookstore) but it's difficult to say how many people are practicing the concepts within it's pages. With less than 5% of the population capable of comprehending written text at a college level in the US it's easy to surmise that many have not gotten the memo. Unless it's covered in a popular Netflix series, a hit movie, or discussed by a "A-list" celebrity, this valuable information goes mostly unnoticed. And that's an opportunity! I believe there's a great deal of merit to this idea and I cert...

Quality of Life: Shifting focus from the Circle of Concern to the Circles of Control and Influence

 With June here, the rainy season officially begins in Acapulco. Usually it's almost like clockwork. In the past seven years, five of them, rain fell in the first week of June. Only one year did it take until the second half of June before it rained. This year has certainly started unusually, we've already had rain four times in the last week of May. It's honestly refreshing to have rain after not seeing it for six or seven months. But for many, the rain brings humidity and for those used to living in controlled environments, it can be uncomfortable. For me, on the otherhand, it's just another welcome season. The rain greens things up... and everything that grows... explodes! I enjoy Acapulco year round! This brings me to the point of this article. Weather falls into the category of the Circle of Concern. Something popularized by Stephen Covey's book "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People". "Your Circle of Concern includes everything that you ar...