100 years since the Weimar Republic inflated it's currency to zero... and now, we have the Central Banks of the World repeating the manuever!

There's good news and bad news.... You're going to be a millionaire soon! However... an egg will cost YOU $10 million! I thought it was interesting to see this video this morning... in it, he points out a little history of the Weimar Republic, which was installed after Germany lost WWI and had to go into tremendous debt to pay war reparations to the other governments. For those of you who look past the news headlines and bogus history books, the real story was select British oligarchs via British Intelligence getting the politicians in Central Europe, mainly Germany, to rape and pillage their own citizenry for the benefit of a select few industrialists and bankers, primarily in England, the USA, and France. They did this via.... inflation. Something people in the Western world are becoming reacquainted with and will be much more appreciative of a few years from now when they will own nothing and be happy to just be alive. Folks, this isn't just another recession. It's t...