Where do you find Freedom in a Post-Covid World?

For those that appreciate a non-authoritarian standing government, we have some information. As of June 9th, here are the restrictions for vaxxed and unvaxxed Americans that wish to travel abroad. 

Can you see the level of influence corporate "medicine" has on governments these days? Which governments are the most corrupted by their influence? 

For those who are not vaxxed (have not taken all of the boosters or not taken any at all)

For those who are fully vaxxed (having taken all the boosters)

Does it strike you as a very strange world we live in? That almost overnight vaccines became the ultimate defense against disease. That almost overnight all the questions about them were no longer valid and that even though, there are multiple manufacturers, there is no hesitation about the chances of some defect in any of the products? Do you wonder how much money and coercion it took to achieve such results? That even though there is loads of evidence that most, if not all of these manufacturers have had troubled and in some case criminal histories, they are being given immunity from any liability for their products?

Does the government that represents you behave in this manner? Do they dismiss your beliefs? Dismiss your principles? Dismiss your standards of quality, responsibility, and efficacy? Dismiss your rights to researching information and making your own decisions regarding your own body?

These are questions and standards to be discussed in a free society... but not an authoritarian one. Lines need to be drawn. What you are willing to accept needs to be clear. Because otherwise, the chances are very good that government will take every inch given and then push for more when the opportunity present itself... especially when money is involved.

The first two maps are if you are originating from the US. But what if you want to travel to the US and are unvaxxed?
I wonder what the tourism industry has to say about the government's influence on their industry? You would think something that removes billions of dollars from certain people's pockets would be questioned wouldn't you? People who own hotels, restaurants, etc... near travel destinations. Has their voice been heard or were they ok with reducing their potential income by 50-90%? Why is it we haven't heard of that discussion in the news? 

When there's a monopoly on ownership, when people are restricted in what they can say by "legal" or "insurance" obligations or restrictions, is that a good thing?

When was it the USA became the USSA officially? Did the coup go off and you didn't even notice that your government no longer represents you? If your not aware of it yet, is it clear the USSA is already installed. Is it obvious that they are no longer concerned about it's people's general welfare? Or the laws it was supposed to obide by?

Is it clear that individuals need to band together to create relationships and associations with other people of character. To end relationships and break associations with those who have demonstrated that they can not be trusted, or have lied, or even worse used violence. That is a responsibility they can not give away or religate to others. 

So where do you find freedom these days?
Start within. Rule yourself.
Can you handle your own responsibilities?
If not, start!

Respirar Acapulco is a blog that is also an effort to meet and collaborate with like-minded people. Knowledgeable, trustworthy, inspired people coming together with the willing and friendly communities of Acapulco. Which is strategically located, fertile ground for entrepreneurs, has a low cost of living, a high quality of life, a healthy culture, and much more. Here, we can demonstrate and breathe life into the tremendous possibilities for truth, freedom, and prosperity for all who desire it, together. If this sound interesting...You are invited to participate! Join us!


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