100 years since the Weimar Republic inflated it's currency to zero... and now, we have the Central Banks of the World repeating the manuever!

There's good news and bad news.... You're going to be a millionaire soon! However... an egg will cost YOU $10 million!

I thought it was interesting to see this video this morning... in it, he points out a little history of the Weimar Republic, which was installed after Germany lost WWI and had to go into tremendous debt to pay war reparations to the other governments. For those of you who look past the news headlines and bogus history books, the real story was select British oligarchs via British Intelligence getting the politicians in Central Europe, mainly Germany, to rape and pillage their own citizenry for the benefit of a select few industrialists and bankers, primarily in England, the USA, and France. They did this via.... inflation. Something people in the Western world are becoming reacquainted with and will be much more appreciative of a few years from now when they will own nothing and be happy to just be alive.

Folks, this isn't just another recession.

It's the end of the era of this banking system. 1944 until 1971 was the era of the gold backed fiat dollar. 1971-2022 is the end of the era of the fiat petro-dollar. A 51 year run... respectable, but if it hasn't become obvious yet... it's now going to become very obvious... the central bankers intend to inflate the world currencies until they implode and are worthless... then restart the system with a new currency. The CBDC. And for those who use dollars... which is more than just citizens of the USSA... but unfortunately, it's the people in the USA that are going to experience something they haven't seen in more than a lifetime. To those few who are still alive that remember the Great Depression... this is probably going to make that look like a cake walk. Of course, there will have to be other crisises and certainly a war or two, maybe a Civil War, to keep people scurrying around unable to spend the time to be aware of the larger picture. 

However, for those who don't want to be turned into robots, automatons, and/or digital zombies of the Metaverse. They are going to have to wash themselves and their subconscious of the almighty God of this era... the religion that got everyone to do stuff... fiat money. The end of the Industrial Age is also going to be the disconnection from a part of their human nature. The social connection, and it's connection to community, culture and most importantly, their subconscious mind.

For most, getting people to collaborate without money involved is already impossible. They're already domesticated by this control mechanism by design, so that when the new version of fiat is presented, they'll jump for it without skepticism or any thought of any other option.

This is a much bigger problem of those who have been raised in the Western anti-culture than they realize. For most, they don't know how to group together without this money stimulus. They've lost their connection with their true social nature and if they don't recognize it now... their ancestors won't ever even consider life any other way. They'll be a perpetual slave, even more so than today's debt slave, entirely unaware of their chains. People in the Western world are lonelier than ever and they are headed for a lifetime of loneliness in a virtual reality pod. Their social nature will have been entirely disconnected from their reality for good, surgically removed and hidden from them by psychological trauma.

If this concerns you, there are other paths, and it is another reason to consider a few of them... Autonomy, finding real community and culture, and enlisting in the Ethical Emergence Course are a couple I would recommend. The most valuable investment YOU can make is enhancing your ability to learn, to communicate your ability to provide value, and to do things with others you can trust...

Those are the most valuable assets you can't see and the government can't take from you... plus, you can't eat gold, silver, or bitcoin!

Respirar Acapulco is a blog that is also an effort to meet and collaborate with like-minded people. Knowledgeable, trustworthy, inspired people coming together with the willing and friendly communities of Acapulco. Which is strategically located, fertile ground for entrepreneurs, has a low cost of living, a high quality of life, a healthy culture, and much more. Here, we can demonstrate and breathe life into the tremendous possibilities for truth, freedom, and prosperity for all who desire it, together. If this sound interesting...You are invited to participate! Join us!


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