Why is bad behavior so destructive and yet so popular? What does excellence look like when interacting with people online?

 On our way to becoming pod people, what does good and bad behavior look like as we live more and more of our lives "online?"  Or maybe online could be better described as the "Metaverse" or is it "the Matrix?" 

Nevertheless, as people become more and more conditioned into an artificial environment that isn't designed for their benefit but to take advantage of their weaknesses. It may not be clear to most, but to those who wish to be free and responsible for themselves, they've got to set some standards of conduct for recognizing beneficial behavior and harmful behavior. Therefore, Ethics and understanding the value of them is going to be of increasing importance! Let's start with the basics first... 

Why does society h
ave rules of etiquette? According to polishedmanners.co.uk:

Etiquette is about kindness, it is about being friendly, it is about being polite, it is about integrity, it is about good manners. Etiquette helps us know how to treat others. Etiquette helps us to know how to behave and conduct ourselves in different environments. Etiquette is not about being perfect, or being prim and proper, it’s not about your social class, profession or how rich or well educated you are.
Etiquette makes people comfortable and at ease, it shows that we value and respect others.
  • Etiquette promotes kindness, consideration, and humility.
  • Etiquette gives the confidence to deal with different situations in life, it gives us life skills.
  • Etiquette enhances your individual image; it eliminates discourteous behaviour.
Etiquette helps us to be thoughtful about our conduct, it helps us to be aware of the feelings and rights of others.
Etiquette helps us to get along with others, it promotes respect.
Etiquette promotes respect for people of other cultures, etiquette is culturally bound.
Having good manners is not just about saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. It is about how you present yourself, how you behave, how you speak, how you treat others, how you think.
Why is gossip such a destructive thing to a collaborative environment? (Defining gossip clearly as 
casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people not present, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true.) According to verywellfamily.com:
"...gossip and rumors can destroy a person’s self-confidence and affect their self-esteem. It also can lead to depression, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, anxiety, and a host of other issues. Gossip and rumors can alienate friends, ruin reputations, and even lead to ostracizing behavior and other forms of relational aggression."
"We cannot live freely and happily if we practice gossip in any form. We cannot gossip and be completely trustworthy and reliable." –Walk In Dry Places
For those in control, gossip provides a habitual behavior that is perceived to be relief for those who are not in control, but actually creates an averse environment where people are unable to effectively work together on making corrective changes. A interesting paper from 2016 discusses some of the ill effects of gossip as a tool of social control. The most interesting statement from the paper: 
"Drawing on interview data from 251 physicists and biologists from both elite and non-elite universities and research institutes in the US, UK, and India, we find that scientists are often reticent or unable to take formal action against many behaviors they perceive as unethical and irresponsible."
Scientists aren't the only ones who are finding it difficult to deal with programmed social ills. It's everywhere! How did people become so socially awkward and inept? A quote from a blog on medium.com 
"Humans are social creatures. Naturally, you want to be accepted by the people around you. That’s why you conform to the norms and expectations of the society you live in. As a result, you automatically think, act, and behave in certain ways that are considered normal or necessary without giving it much thought. The same applies to big life decisions, as well as everyday behaviors and habits. This isn’t a good or bad thing. Social conditioning creates cohesion in societies and generally keeps things running smoothly. However, if you blindly follow behaviors defined by others, your life can end up being shaped for you instead of by you."
People may not realize it, but over the past few 100 years the environment around them has changed dramatically. The social norms that were in place from thousands of years of norms and expectations based on family and small community have been upended and replaced by conditioning and programming from the media and those who control it.

With 95% of people's behavior directed by their subconscious, programming the subconscious has been a major priority of those who could take advantage of steering that behavior. Turning people into materialistic, emotionally and spiritually immature, socially awkward, lonely, robotic individuals dependent on the system ("sheeple") has been a high priority. Thus social engineering, has become a essential tool for those "in power."

Are they aware of the ramifications and unintended consequences of their actions? Looking at the results, I serious doubt it. Actions speak louder than words... and for those in power, with the unlimited resource of fiat money; what have they created? A tribute to their own fears and inadequacies. The communicative function of aberrant behavior is clear in this case. People who don't get loved, seek acceptance, and if they can't get that, they settle for attention, and if not for good behavior, then in desperation, for bad. It's clear the world is being directed by desperate suffering people... and because of the system they've created, based on fear and trauma, very few people notice or are aware. And even fewer have any idea of how to change it.

In a system like this, where bad behavior is rewarded, it only gets worse until someone with enough good sense, and more importantly, power and influence notices and changes it. And being that people are social creatures, it isn't one, it's a group or tribe, that slays the dragon that torments their existence. Thus, as we gather people with good sense together, we've got to be clear about what are our norms and expectations. Excellence is the standard to strive for.
What does excellence look like and why should we adopt it as a standard?

That's a question I'll leave for the next installment. This slide presentation provides one perspective. For those who are aware of the problem and the potential, I believe they have some exciting ideas on the absolute importance of excellence, as well as their own versions of how to do better and how that may look. In my opinion, it is a group exercise and experiment. There are few places to take advantage of this opportunity. Three I will point to is: 1) Autonomy; 2) is just being developed... PALI Acapulco; 3) A course, Ethical Emergence 4.0.

Respirar Acapulco is a blog that is also an effort to meet and collaborate with like-minded people. Knowledgeable, trustworthy, inspired people coming together with the willing and friendly communities of Acapulco. Which is strategically located, fertile ground for entrepreneurs, has a low cost of living, a high quality of life, a healthy culture, and much more. Here, we can demonstrate and breathe life into the tremendous possibilities for truth, freedom, and prosperity for all who desire it, together. If this sound interesting...You are invited to participate! Join us!


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