Perpetual War - No Thank You!

Another war fueled by foolish political puppets, financiers, and war-profiteers. Be assured it will also benefit those who know people only have so much attention to spend. All the egregious inequities of the past few years washed away into the past by yet another "crisis."

The fiction of state actions is on full display today. The supposed "country" of Russia attacking the "country" of Ukraine. 

For those that don't know, it takes a great deal of money to field an army. It takes even more to field two. Then to build a narrative that people in each of those armies will put themselves on a battlefield to be annihilated and sacrificed. Very expensive. 

Enemies are expensive. Especially when compared to the abundance of peace. When will people learn?

As peaceful people, we need to get the good news out. 

Peace = Abundance. War = Scarcity. Choose wisely!


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