Harbinger: Trudeau's Reaction to the Freedom Convoy

Before we discuss what may indicate a sign of things to come, how about a comparison.

Many of the most hardcore freedom fighters and superheroes of the voluntaryist community spend a portion or the entire month of February in Acapulco. For those of you who have already experienced it and those who have a desire to... Acapulco is calling you! Wouldn’t you like to experience some of the “Freedom” the Canadians are currently demonstrating they care so much about? Compared to standing outside of a government building filled with con-men in -30 degree weather, don't the beaches, the temperatures, and the vistas of Acapulco sound so much more appealing?

Practice freedom my friends! You live in the present. Enjoy your life. Pick your tribe wisely!

The definition of Harbinger: Trudeau’s Reaction - Blog for Feb 1, 2022 - Watch Video

Let me add in more good news, my housemate for February, Rob, has released a new music video! Check it out! Congrats to Rob and stay tuned… some NFT action too?! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a-Ojloj3qE0&feature=share

Now onto Trudeau, I didn’t watch it in whole, but I saw enough and the arrogant oblivious response to the Herculean efforts of the Canadian people to demonstrate their disapproval for the current tyranny… is an indicator. There are a few possibilities that would make a politician so arrogant. One, he obviously thinks he is going to win. Two, his staff is so bad or corrupted, he has no clue of what is really going on. Three, he’s being prepped to play a very important role in a story right out of the 16th century Machiavelli’s classic “The Prince”.

If it’s one, it could be because the truckers are playing into a story line already created. The whole government response to C*vid has been created. They have been planning and rehearsing for decades. The evidence is plentiful. As is the supply chain jam up. These are smoke screens for the Great Reset. And a trucker strike could fit into the trouble ahead nicely. Inflation and shortages… can now be blamed on “Nazi Truckers!” More government force justified! More government work programs! Build bigger prisons for all the Fascists! Looking at the past 100 years, I would say this has a high probability.

If it’s two, we are indeed in for a show. This too can serve the powers that be because it is still a distraction from the Great Reset. Which could, in Canada’s case, have the NWO showing up as the savior of freedom! Probability wise, I’d say this is much more unlikely but still worth considering.

If it’s three, well, just read the book and place Trudeau where he fits the best.

Here’s a quote right from the text of Machiavelli’s greatest work and one of my favorite points, the guy was observant! 

He writes: “All the states, all the dominions that have held or now hold power over men, have been and now are either republics or principalities. [...] The dominions gained in this way are either accustomed to living under a prince, or used to being free.”

I would also pay close attention to the tyrannic characters. Be aware that the one who slays the tyrant is also worthy to be very skeptical of. He or she will have the unquestioned power. Probability wise, today’s social engineers have had a long list of accounts of successfully steering the masses into bigger and better traps. I have the inclination that this will be no different. But once a crack appears, how soon the system fails is unpredictable.

Here’s a great reference on the characters of “The Prince”: https://www.litcharts.com/lit/the-prince/characters

Finally, Respirar Acapulco! We’re going to have a fun time in Acapulco, this Anarchapulco season. Anarchapulco is the 14th - 18th. Agorapulco will be going on before and after with parties and events day and night. The 12-13th will have a number of events. We’ll be putting on a learning and collaborative event called Respirar Acapulco. For those who want to discover the finer points of some of the exciting freedom projects budding, burning topics to discuss, and the gold mine that Acapulco represents for the future. We’ll start at 10am on Saturday the 12th. We’re going to have a Peace Council too with two of the oldest peaceful organizations in the world represented. Entry will require a donation to the cause. We will be located at the ‘Cafe Rustica’ in Bonfil. And along with some fun and get some healing done too!

We will be auctioning off some Anarchapulco and Agorapulco memorabilia for some good causes. Here’s one of the items… an Acoustic Guitar made in Mexico signed by all those notables who were here and contributed to Anarchapulco and Agorapulco in 2021. 




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