How has "Normal" been Hijacked?

“English is a slave language.” Referencing  Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o’s book “Decolonising the Mind” and Alfred Korzybski’s General Semantics. Words are powerful. Defining those words properly is important, especially when those words can trigger emotions like anger, disgust, fear for some while joy, happiness, love for others. Words can be used to divide. ‘Anarchists’ certainly know this too well.

How has Normal Changed?- 3 February 2022 - Watch Video


“Normal” is a rather subjective word. It’s an important word to examine. What has “Normal” meant for people over the past 70-80 years? One lifetime. For a large portion of a country’s population, there is a relatively common experience. What did that look like? In 1950, the median age in the US was 23.4, by 2020 it was 38.5. If we discuss what was and what is “normal” in the lives of the average person along the timeline over the past 70-80 years, one may see some interesting things. What has changed? What changed it? How much was television and the media involved in changing things?

What may become obvious is the homogenization of the typical experience. 70 years ago, almost no one was sitting in front of a computer screen. Today, according to Nielson, the average person in the US is spending nearly 12 hours of their waking time each day in front of some form of computer screen. And for children, the number is even higher. ‘The Technology of Addiction’ has been advancing! From televisions to PCs to Smart Phones. The Metaverse is already here! 

Does spending that kind of time looking into a rectangle sound ridiculous to you?

Would you believe it’s even higher in a number of places. The Philippines, Colombia, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, and 8 other countries have even greater numbers.

When a population becomes homogenized by common experiences, what comes about? Do perspectives become more diverse or less? Does this lead to greater abilities at problem solving or less? Does the average person’s ability to distinguish themselves as unique in this sort of environment be made much more difficult? Wouldn’t they tend to feel more like a cog in the machine than… say… an artist?

This awareness, in my opinion, is a huge opportunity. A huge opportunity to break free from the cave! Put out the fire! Leave the cave!

Finally, Respirar Acapulco! We’re going to have a fun time in Acapulco, this Anarchapulco season. Anarchapulco is the 14th - 18th. Agorapulco will be going on before and after with parties and events day and night. The 12-13th will have a number of events. We’ll be putting on a learning and collaborative event called Respirar Acapulco. For those who want to discover the finer points of some of the exciting freedom projects budding, burning topics to discuss, and the gold mine that Acapulco represents for the future. We’ll start at 10am on Saturday the 12th. We’re going to have a Peace Council too with two of the oldest peaceful organizations in the world represented. Entry will require a donation to the cause. We will be located at the ‘Cafe Rustica’ in Bonfil. And along with some fun and get some healing done too!

We will be auctioning off some Anarchapulco and Agorapulco memorabilia for some good causes. Here’s one of the items…



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