Is living Peacefully even Possible?


War, disharmony, conflict seem to be ever-present in modern society. However, there is another parallel reality that is very much in tune with nature and abundance. One simply has to be aware that it is indeed possible. The world is but a mirror. If we want a peaceful world we can start within. 

Here are seven pieces of wisdom toward Inner Peace from Buddism.  
1. Attachment leads to suffering 2. Buddhism is about desiring the right things 3. Sensual pleasures leads to suffering 4. From misery grows beauty 5. Good company is important 6. A trained mind leads to happiness 7. Short term evil has long term consequences

Here are seven lessons from the Stoics on mastering Inner Peace.
7 Stoic principles: 1. Thinking about what could go wrong and accepting it 2. Realize what is in our control and what is not; Practice the things that are in our control 3. Making a fool of ourselves. Practice not giving a f**k what others think 4. Writing down what you think. Have a journal 5. Accepting death 6. View your actions from above. Realizing how small we are. 7. Love the outcome even if it is bad.

One of the topics to discuss. A Peace Council with representatives from two peaceful cultures. The Cherokee Nation and the Kingdom of Shambhala. It may be possible to choose your jurisdiction soon, no matter where you reside.

An interview with one of the founders of Grand Theft World's Liberty Radio... The Drizzle! Liberty Radio showcases many of the exceptional but under-appreciated liberty minded artists and music. Here's a bit of a teaser...

You can find the entire shows on Odysee!

Finally, Respirar Acapulco! We’re going to have a fun time in Acapulco, this Anarchapulco season. Anarchapulco is the 14th - 18th. Agorapulco will be going on before and after with parties and events day and night. The 12-13th will have a number of events. We’ll be putting on a learning and collaborative event called Respirar Acapulco. For those who want to discover the finer points of some of the exciting freedom projects budding, burning topics to discuss, and the gold mine that Acapulco represents for the future. We’ll start at 10am on Saturday the 12th. We’re going to have a Peace Council too with two of the oldest peaceful organizations in the world represented. Entry will require a donation to the cause. We will be located at the ‘Cafe Rustica’ in Bonfil. And along with some fun and get some healing done too!

We will be auctioning off some Anarchapulco and Agorapulco memorabilia for good causes.


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