The High Costs of Psychological War: Trauma Everywhere!


In a psychological war, the wounded aren’t as obvious as previous "Hot" Wars. But for those that have spent some time with it. This is what they see everywhere they go. It is a hidden epidemic of unbelievable proportions and it has a corrupted marketplace that supports it.

The reality cries out for better. And there are people not only doing triage but also the long term healing and understanding necessary to turn this around and achieve peace and harmony.

Video: Excerpt of Willow Grimm discussing Trauma

Much like townspeople discovering there’s a leak from a nearby chemical plant contaminating their drinking water. There is a toxic result from the fiat money system’s method of control that needs to be addressed. It’s not just harming the little guy, it harms everyone and it’s to everyone’s benefit that the shooting stops… figuratively and literally in this era of psychological combat.

The average person has been entirely unprepared for the reality concerning trauma. The destruction of the family and community in the Western world has gone on very quietly. But its effects are strewn all over. Loneliness is at an all-time high. In removing this fundamental foundation from people's lives, people are at the whims of the social engineers. Incessant advertising, propaganda, the repetitious stories being told in movies and the media. the conditioning and programming effect on people’s curiosity towards the ill effects. But the weakened state has been an opportunity for control. And those who suffer with their own ailments, along with a need to restore inequities they’ve suffered… have went from the victims to the victimizers… blinded by their trauma.

If you’ve lived in “modern society” in the past two years. You’ve been traumatized.

Trauma shows up in many ways. To include sickness and disease. Stress and trauma will diminish the immune system substantially. Even further, long term health.

Trauma affects health across a lifetime (Nadine Burke)

The real public health crisis

Respirar Acapulco! We’re going to have a fun time in Acapulco this Anarchapulco season. Anarchapulco is the 14th - 18th. Agorapulco will be going on before and after with parties and events day and night. The 12-13th will have a number of events. We’ll be putting on a learning and collaborative event called Respirar Acapulco. For those who want to discover the finer points of some of the exciting freedom projects budding, burning topics to discuss, and the gold mine that Acapulco represents for the future. We’ll start at 10am on Saturday the 12th. We’re going to have a Peace Council too with two of the oldest peaceful organizations in the world represented. Entry will require a donation to the cause. We will be located at the ‘Cafe Rustica’ in Bonfil. And along with some fun and get some healing done too!

We will be auctioning off some Anarchapulco and Agorapulco memorabilia for some good causes. Here’s another of the items… an limited edition limited run signed print from Anarchapulco 2016 signed by the one and only Larken Rose and the artist Achara. A large portion of the donation will go to the family of Nathan Freeman. A beloved Anarchapulco innovator and cat herder who passed away this past year.


Nathan receiving the “Anarchist of the Year'' award in Feb 2017.

For more information on Willow and her services. 


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