A book from 1989 on the Collapse of the Soviet Union sheds light on the USSA Today

 For those of you that haven't read the Art of War. Sun Tzu warns that extended military campaigns that lasts more than a year will destroy that country's economy.

2,000 years later the fall of the Soviet Union proved it again. You can't have a country's economy based on projecting military power and neglect everything else. The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. 

Here we are 31 years later about to witness it again with the USSA. In the last 20 years, the official

US government debt has expanded 6x, from less than $5 trillion in 2001 to more than $30 trillion in 2022 . With a current annual debt incurred of over 3.1 trillion! That's 3100 billion... or 1 billion for each county in the US. Imagine having to raise $1 billion from your local community. And that's the official government numbers... the truth is much worse unfortunately.

Checkout this C-SPAN eye opening interview from 1989. At the time, I was stationed in West Germany courtesy of the US Army. Guarding Western Europe from a Soviet invasion that never came. Of interest is her pointing out that near the end of the Soviet Empire, the finance minister of the Soviet Union had come clean to acknowledge that their annual debt was approaching 15% of GDP. Something the government of the USSA has recently accomplished even with doctored numbers for the past few years. You might also be fascinated to find out who had been propping the Soviet Union with loans and credits during the 1980's...

Why does the 'powers that shouldn't be' have to come up with crisis after crisis, a Pandemic and now the threat of WWIII? Because they know the writing is on the wall. The US dollar and the current financial system is in the same state of health as the Soviet Union was in 1989. Hence, the Great Reset!

How bad is it really? I suggest you can check out Greg Mannarino's Youtube channel (who knows if it will be there tomorrow) to get a better idea of the true state of the economy... practically every day now bad news is quickly shuffled under the carpet as the news ceaselessly covers WWIII. Greg is a great resource on the Fed and the amount of money printing going on. The economy is no longer running on productivity, it's running on borrowed money... every day now... that won't and can't continue forever. 

It's going to be a extremely difficult time for a large portion of the populations in the Western world's modern "democratic" economies. The politicians of those countries have promised $500+ trillion in services they won't be able to provide... and what do you do when you go bankrupt? You get rid of the liabilities... Social Security recipients, Welfare recipients, Medically dependent, etc... they are the liabilities. And consolidate the assets... bank accounts, real property, stocks, bonds, etc... are the assets. Those will be cleverly and quietly confiscated via things like inflation.

For those who lived in Eastern Europe or the Soviet Union during the 80's and 90's, they can tell some tales of hardships. I expect the situation to be far worse for Americans. Their pride has blinded them to the possibility of what is coming. Their reliance on technology, government bailouts, and easy credit has left far too many with little to no common sense or skills. They will be easy targets.

It's not to late to head South!


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