Refugees from Tyranny... We have an Opportunity for YOU: Acapulco!

 It isn't enough to simply complain about how things are and be disappointed, disillusioned or disgusted for people who value freedom. We've got to be demonstrating it.

Understanding that freedom is about giving people better choices... and the responsibility that goes with those choices. Our best bet is to be enlightening people on what is excellence and what isn't... so they CAN make better choices themselves.

Estimates suggest that 4-5 million people are going to be leaving the Ukraine for better surroundings and less explosions. Something like 25 million Americans have left their crappy jobs for greener pastures. Pinnacles of freedom embodied in countries like Canada, Australia and New Zealand are now on the verge of being Technocratic nightmares. 

For those able, and those who truly appreciate what freedom can be, I'm suggesting considering Acapulco as, and at the very least a place to visit and unwind from the craziness of the rest of the world.

Many believe Acapulco is dangerous because of the propaganda they've heard. Well, there's a great deal of good news, if that's the case. For people who don't understand responsibility comes with freedom... it may not be so much. You have to use your head in Acapulco, there are dangers like any other cityloo but that isn't what defines this community. And I say community because Acapulco isn't like most cities, it has a uniqueness that is entirely it's own. It is much more like a town than a city.

For all the talk of danger, there is an incredible amount of kindness that goes without mention. Having lived here for 7+ years, I've experienced and had many people describe acts of kindness that go far beyond anything I've experienced living everywhere else in the other 45+ years of my life. People take care of each other here. If your an older person, you will be respected far more than anywhere in the West.

Acapulco is and always has been a service economy. It's not just a criteria, it's the culture. Acapulco is at the center of two continents. For centuries Acapulco was the main port on the West coast of North and South America. Needless to say, I can safely say, they know more about trade than any other culture in the Western Hemisphere. For people who desire voluntary interactions over force or coercion, that understand the need for a free market... who and where is there better? 

Acapulco is abundance! There is something like 300,000+ edible plants on Earth. You'll find about 40 in your local supermarket, that most people are familiar with. But in Acapulco, you'll find many many more. And boy are you going to be surprised when you taste them! 

The truth of the matter is much of the controlled food supply is about capital and commodities. If they can't be stored and shipped, they don't have value to the fiat system. But for normal people... well, we will never go hungry here!

Acapulco is natural. Like most cities in the world the separation between modern and nature is distinguishable. However, in Acapulco it's much harder to keep nature away. The natural beauty of the bay and the surrounding geography just won't be denied. Witness a few sunsets here and I promise you'll have a much better understanding of what I'm talking about. The advantage here is... as the world is transitioned into the social credit system of the Metaverse... Acapulquenos will have a distinct advantage of having the constant reminder of the harmony and balance nature has... naturally.

Acapulco is on a different clock. If your tired of the drum beat of the slave system Acapulco has an answer for you. A different perspective on time. Some Westerners will never break the programming they have when it comes to time but for those that do, they will be able to examine relaxation on a entirely different level. The worries of the rest of the world will simply disappear! Acapulco offers that opportunity!

In the interest of brevity I will stop there. There is much more, I guarantee it. There's really only one way to find out yourself... and that is to visit. It's a bit off the beaten path... the 'powers that shouldn't be' haven't made it easy to discover the depth and breadth of Acapulco... but for those who dare, there is much to absorb. Decide to be free and become free!


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