The Proliferation of Useful Idiots and what YOU can do about it

Listening to a video on the work of HP Lovecraft this morning I found it very interesting. One of the things that caught my attention, he was a believer in something called Cosmicism. 

Wikipedia, has this explanation: The philosophy of cosmicism states "that there is no recognizable divine presence, such as a god, in the universe, and that humans are particularly insignificant in the larger scheme of intergalactic existence." The most prominent theme is humanity's fear of their insignificance in the face of an incomprehensibly large universe: a fear of the cosmic void.

It goes on to describe HP Lovecraft further: "

Throughout his adult life, Lovecraft was never able to support himself from earnings as an author and editor. He was virtually unknown during his lifetime and was almost exclusively published in pulp magazines before his death. A scholarly revival of Lovecraft's work began in the 1970s, and he is now regarded as one of the most significant 20th-century authors of supernatural horror fiction."

One of the statements in the video went into more detail on his beliefs regarding the immense nature of the universe and the utter insignificance of humanity in that larger picture. 

I had to pause and ponder this for a time. 

My thought was... what if he is right? What if the constant acceptance of stupidity of War and political theater, for example, assures the insignificance of humanity?

I have been beside myself for the last few weeks by the unceasing world news coming from the Ukraine. The stupidity surrounding it, the lack of acknowledgement of the factors leading up to it. Then, the blind foolishness to support one side or the other when both sides are ridiculous. War and violence are for fools who know no better. Anyone participating has given up on understanding the immense benefits of peaceful coexistance for the lies and hardships of scarcity and manipulation. As Stalin mentioned... the useful idiots.

How many people these days have relegated themselves to the category of useful idiot. It is shocking and sad.

Both of these country's "leaders" are selling out their people. As politicians do. Ukrainians are going to witness the destruction or theft of everything of value in their country. Russians are going to have to pay for it, destroying their economy by having to foot the bill of sustaining the necessities of a military quagmire. 

Much of rest of the world's population will also be fleeced by another round of a new 'cold war' military buildup. It's utter insanity, yet far too many people will wave their favorite team's flag and consider those participating in the madness as heroes.

Which category appeals to you in this stupidity?

It is depressing but it takes me back to HP Lovecraft's cosmicism.

If humanity is going to be anything other than insignificant, those of us who recognize the opportunity to learn, grow, and prosper peacefully are going to have to demonstrate it. We can no longer wait for deeply entranced people to wake up. We can't rely on a mass movement driven by a mass public relations victory when the fiat system has control of that game.

We've got to go a different direction and understand our true nature. A nature that has been hidden from us(occulted) over the past hundred years by a fiat financial system that took over the "institutions" of society.

We have got to work together peacefully, essentially doing the opposite of what has been conditioned, programmed, and promoted to us for the past century.

What I'm suggesting has already started to sprout in places around the world. Certainly Acapulco is prime and fertile ground. It has the location, the culture, the opportunities, the abundance of natural resources, the common sense, to name just a few of it's positives, to be the example for discerning peaceful people to take advantage of.

If you or your loved ones are currently facing living in a perpetual War zone for the next decade or two(it may be a simple choice) or an economically depleted Social Credit Score One World government nightmare, you may want to consider a visit to Acapulco or dabbing a toe into a program like Autonomy
( I've got a online course called Ethical Emergence too!

That courageous effort just might just put cosmicism to bed and steer humanity back onto a path that at least has a chance of significance in the universe.


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