What if the UN is wrong with it's Population numbers?

Does it seem to you we have a consensus on the number of people on the planet these days? Everyone seems to repeat the same number (7 billion) but when asked where the number came from nearly no one has an idea of how it was arrived at. 

It raised my alarm bells when I looked at the growth of the population of China according to the UN. From 1950 until 1980 China's population doubled from about 500 million to 1 billion. Creating the circumstance that the Communist government then instituted the one child policy, which according to the Communist officials, slowed the rate of growth and allowed prosperity and average wages to increase rapidly. 

However, between 1950 and 1980 was also when a famine occurred so severe it killed between 50 and 100 million people... not to mention a tyrannical Communist government... who imprisoned tens of millions and no doubt killed millions of dissenters. Have we ever seen an incident where, at the same time there's a shortage of food, the population doubles?Are people really this blind to government sleight of hand?

To simply maintain a population at it's current level, the birth rate has to maintain about 2.2 children per woman of child bearing age. In a large part of the globe, this number has not been maintained, yet the population numbers continue to increase... doesn't that spark at least a bit of curiosity about the numbers and where they are coming from?

In the following video the fertility rate is examined by country from the years 1800 until 2100. With the story indicating that the fertility rate has continued to drop for centuries. 

Add in much more reliable medical data that suggests that in much of the world, fertility in both men and women is dropping to dangerously low levels. So much so, that China now has a three-child policy. Currently, the Communist government of China admits to a birth rate of 1.3, but a number of studies that looked into birth rates in Chinese, Indian, African and Western neighborhoods and counties suggest the birth rates are over-stated... in the case of China, the number may actually be less than 1.0. (I've been looking for these studies but they seem to have been scrubbed or hidden, but I do recall looking at them... so I know they are out there).

Ah, leave it to the Communists to fix the problem! If it wasn't for government where would we find all the problems?

I would suggest the world is a much different place than the media and the governments portray. We certainly don't have an over-population problem. If anything we have a stupidity problem exacerbated by government intervention and the accepted population number is certainly a reflection of that. Putting bureaucrats in charge of numbers that pay them more if the numbers go up guarantees the numbers will increase, regardless of reality. 

I'm reminded of a story a professor who visited the Soviet Union in the 1980's related. He told the story of washing machines and a government edict to produce 30,000 washing machines per month. Sure enough the paperwork produced demonstrated the number was being reached but in reality, most of the people who received these washing machines took note that there were critical parts missing and the washing machines were in effect, useless.

With the increased use of chemicals, the increased use of industrialized food preparation, environmental hazards, pollution, radiation, stress, taxes, tyranny, etc... the world population is slowly being nudged to die off and being fleeced as it happens. The medical industry in the United States for example has ballooned to nearly 25% of the GDP from about 3% in the past 50 years. Care has diminished and costs have skyrocketed as individual healthiness has dropped. I could go on and on about the inconsistencies and contradictions. Empty cities, empty buildings, empty towns around the world, Blackrock buying up single family houses, yet people in the street homeless, speaks of a narrative being pushed without a real basis.
Here is a link to the UN's own explanation of how they concoct the supposed population numbers... see if you can make sense of it. Any ideas on what the cohort-component method is?
The UN's Population Computation Methodology 

My short explanation of the UN's method goes something like this. In 1950 about 1/3rd of the ~2.5 billion population lived in urban cities, 2/3rds lived in rural settings. Cities are easier to count (even though we still have dead people voting) so they took the number living in cities multiplied by three and we get an estimated population. Fast forward 50 years, the government has made it economically and politically impossible to live in the rural areas... so now the cities have tripled in size and population, but in reality, the population hasn't changed much... unless your using the UN's equation from the 1950's... you multiply the city numbers by three and we get nearly 7 billion! The bureaucrats get an ever increasing dole of the printed money... and the system goes on it's merry way.

A simple example:
825 million in urban cities 1675 million in rural > 330 x 3 =2.5 billion (1950)
2250 million in urban cities 250 million in rural > 2250 x 3 = 6.75 billion (2020) add in 10% for political graft and you can see how they can make it appear the population is growing when in actuality little has really changed. And if all fails... it was the science!

I won't go into this, but all the empty cities and buildings does suggest another troubling scenario.

In my opinion we have little to fear with large families but those who rely on the government have much to fear. All these scare tactics seem to revolve around populations out of control... wars, climate changes, disease, etc... but if they are wrong, then all their models are wrong too. 

When in doubt, do the opposite of whatever the government policy is and more than likely, the problems will correct themselves or maybe, just maybe, it was never a problem at all.


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