What is the cost of being a Victim?

This may go beyond the PC arena so prepare yourself.

Far too many people have slipped into the situation in which, they are the victim. In many cases unknowingly. It's fairly easy to fall into a subconscious habit if that habit is repeated ceaselessly, as it is in the media in all it's forms. I don't exclude myself... we all have received conditioning... and in this day and age... the amount of programming is staggering. Add the addiction to compromised devices, compromised processes, compromised institutions, compromised information, it's truly a tremendous inter-connected monstrosity.

Even when people innocently point the finger of blame at others... they are quietly or not so quietly admitting they are a victim. This is powerful sign to be aware of. Victimhood is essentially admitting powerlessness. When the powers that should not be look out and see the human terrain of people angry and upset at each other, they probably sit back and laugh. The masses are unknowingly demonstrating their admission to powerlessness. Right where they are conditioned to be. The system is working!

In addition, the system is designed so those who have suffered the greatest inequities will more than likely be the next administrators and middle managers. 

From an Article in Scientific American: "Based on clinical observations and research, the researchers found that the tendency for interpersonal victimhood consists of four main dimensions: (a) constantly seeking recognition for one’s victimhood, (b) moral elitism, (c) lack of empathy for the pain and suffering of others, and (d) frequently ruminating about past victimization." 

Aren't these the perfect attributes for robotic government employees and enforcers if you are a tyrant perpetuating the system?

This is also why those of us who seek freedom and truth need to seriously consider forgiveness and problem-solving as two of the most powerful tools in our toolbox. Blame is only going to boomerang.  Complaining and protesting is only an admission that we can't conceive of a solution or we don't have the will or know-how to carry it out.

Inequities and harms are certainly being suffered. For God's sake there are more slaves on the planet today than ever before. Who isn't a slave to the system? From the top to the bottom of the entire control structure, everyone is being victimized... and yet, the answer isn't to whine, it isn't to retaliate, it's to become creative problem solvers, and be forgiving of others and most importantly, ourselves.

The game that makes everyone a loser has been going on for a very long time... but it's never too soon to stop playing. In the streets or the hood, "the game" is described as... "the pimps, the hos, and the tricks." In the executive boardrooms, the game... is the "exploiters, the exploited, and the enablers." It's the same game from top to bottom. The question each participant needs to ask themselves and each other is... Do you really need to be a part of the game? Is this the only way to exist in this world?

I would suggest most of the things people think they need, they don't. And the things they've given away freely to pursue those things, are most likely the truly important things that will restore quality of life and compassion for themselves and others that deep down inside, they are desiring. People desperately want to be loved, if they can't get love they'll settle for approval, if they can't get approval, they'll seek attention... and if they don't get attention for good behavior, they'll use bad behavior... that's the epitomy of the experience we are all witnessing. Those with the power to manifest whatever they want... are seeking attention with bad behavior because they know no better.

What is the cost of victimhood? I would suggest it's the absence of the knowledge that the gift of the solutions that everyone seeks, they already have, they just need the courage and assistance to find it inside.


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