Where the F*** were these Peace loving Politicians for the last couple Decades?

 The Russian-Ukrainian conflict seems to have brought out a whole bunch of politicians condemning aggression and War. The leaders of the UK and the US being the most unbelievable of all. Where have they been for the past few decades? Bombing and strafing civilians for two decades in a long list of countries didn't seem to be a problem for them then... 

For those of us who have done our homework on the subject, we know it is military aggression and greed by the NATO and the EU that has led to the circumstances we have now. Putin has been and probably will be one of their good buddies. Just doing the bidding of the financial interests. It's WWE wrestling on steroids on the news front. Putin is the new/old bad guy. And the Western Politicians get to represent the 'free people of the world'... advocating for "democracy" as the 'good guys'. They know full well, democracy is a scam... and as Plato pointed out clearly, is only one more step toward tyranny. 

The masses are being set up to be screwed again... and they are going to be the ones fooled into doing the dirty work, again! You would think the populaces of the world would get tired of being bent over...

The Ukraine will certainly not be a place to be for the next 10-20 years as they dismantle anything that looks like modern civilization there. To add to the long list of countries that will be asked to pay for it... Russia and the US populations will be experiencing levels of inflation and a degradation of goods and services for sure for the next few decades at the very least.

If it isn't clear yet, the modern job of any politician is to sell out their constituents. It seems Putin and Biden are racing who can do it the fastest. Democracy is just the way they get the sheeple to think it was for their idea and somehow benefits them. 


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