Addicted to Living in Perpetual Fear and Stupidity? Not Aware of YOUR part of the problem?

"Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it? That's what it is to be a slave." ~ Blade Runner

Alternate version... "Quite an experience to live in utter stupidity, isn't it? Welcome to the modern world!" ~ Modern society (today and for the foreseeable future)

Why do people accept fear and stupidity? Why do they accept this ridiculous environment? Why do people perpetuate this? Why is it most people won't confront these questions... until it's life or death?

Why? Because:

  • People are unaware. Especially people isolated and disconnected from each other.
  • People are traumatized. Repeatedly. They are well acclimated with avoiding responsibility or hiding, being easily distracted or addicted, being obsequious or servile, letting their emotions dictate their actions... or most troublesome of all... simply forgetting. Learned amnesia. 
  • People are afraid. Fear of the unknown. Maybe the biggest fear of all. Discovering how the sausage is really made could turn everything upside down... and that is far too big a risk for most.
  • People are oblivious to or don't trust their own senses.
  • People are Proud. Hidden behind egos, titles, certificates, and honors is a great deal of inequities.
  • People believe that there are no alternatives. It's the only game in town.

... To walk around in the world naked, alone, fearful, hungry, tired, wounded,... would be a very vulnerable and lowly existence. Unfortunately, that's what nearly every person has been taught and trained to do. It effects everyone. It's like water to fish. Did you notice?

  • Naked... they have little to no intellectual self-defense; 
  • Alone... they aren't familiar with working in harmony with others;
  • Fearful... they are ceaselessly reminded of "dangers" and that's the predominate conversations; 
  • Hungry... the things they really need the most, are rarely satisfied; 
  • Tired... most aren't getting enough sleep and participate in low energy activities; 
  • Wounded... this is the untreated trauma that only grows more influential over time. 

It's sad to admit but they are slaves to a system that enhances and exploits their weaknesses. And more than likely, the "they" includes both YOU and I. These are the results of the institutions of society and their core functions. If you are in doubt... read up on John Taylor Gatto. 

It's a society that would be better named the Anti-Culture Culture. It is the useful remnants and knowledge of all the cultures that it has destroyed and dismembered over the centuries that serves the purposes that it was initiated with. I'm in doubt that anyone really knows at this point what those are.

When the native Americans encountered "civilized society" they described it as a disease of the mind, of perception. There are a number of different words, the Algonquins called it "Wetiko". A blindness to blindness. 

For many years I suffered with being able to simply describe it. And then subsequently, to describe it well enough to communicate it to others. Rarely, was there someone willing to actually listen... even fewer that understood or had any clue, and that depressed me more. That struggle continues... but, I am not alone. I am not deterred.

As troubling as this is, there is good news. This is a system built as a hierarchy. A weak model of organization (something taught to us as well). What is encouraged to grow at the bottom of a hierarchy eventually gets to the top. A system based on people being trained to be fearful and stupid means that eventually even the top will be fearful and stupid. It's demise will follow eventually.

For those of you that would prefer to move on to a better alternative, there's good news there as well.

What is it that aids people to develop an intellectual self-defense? That helps them alleviate their fear, especially irrational fears? That lends them a hand in identifying what is most important to them? That demonstrates a way to successfully work together with others peacefully? That provides a restful environment to restore themselves and their energy? That provide answers that will heal their wounds once and for all? And most important of all, is there a place that sees the infinite potential in people? And in helping them develop it recognizes they are developing an asset for everyone else in that community to benefit from.

Well, if it was as simple as a pill, I'm sure we'd have people taking them. But it isn't.

It is a choice. It's a choice that will take time, discipline, and effort. For those who are willing. They will see results. If they can work well with others... it will come faster. If you would like to know more, be sure to follow this blog or check out my videos (@MikeonFire on Bitchute or MiketheRevolutionary on Youtube)... I'm confident you'll have an idea of what to do from there.

Be confident, there are people in this world striving for a better existence, beyond fear and stupidity. An enlightened society. If that sparks your interest, there is a path for you, with trustworthy people along it to assist.


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