An Animal Rescue or Animal Control?

Welcome Readers, so glad you're here! Reading is a powerful tool to develop! Congrats on growing smarter!

Imagine a small town that has the appearance of a potential problem? A possible pack of wild dogs has entered the community, apparently... Do we: 

A) Let entrepreneurs take the first shot at the problem. Especially those that care about animals, let them demonstrate value to the community. Cost: negligible. I'll call this choice, Animal Rescue. 

B) Take it to City Hall! Pass a Law! Pass a Ordinance! A Tax Levy! Tax the people for a service that will be of poor quality and expensive. Cost: Incredibly immense bordering on unknowable! I'll call this choice, Animal Control.

 C) Shoot the dogs! Find out the story later. We don't have time! My football game is starting! Cost: Box of Ammunition and the Hearts of the Animal Lovers. I call this choice Neither. I like to habitually have a third option to an apparent dichotomy. It's a good practice.

In a Maslow's "Hierarchy of Needs" World, it's likely to be the worst two. The mass of the citizenry are too distracted by Psysiological and Safety Needs to even worry about these "insignificant" problems... "let someone else deal with it!" They're already struggling with juggling those two while attempting for Love and Belonging and Self-Esteem, on the slim occasion. Rarely does anyone have time for knowing who they are... as individuals. Rarely are they thought of as "Valuable." In addition, there is little attachment to even understanding the need for community beyond government. There is no choice, it's the responsibility of government in most people's minds. Animal Control!

Using it's opposite...and the wisdom of an external culture, the Blackfoot Nation's "Tepee of Life," is what I'm nicknaming it. People have time to define who they are... It's their time for Self-Actualization, first. The base third and foundation of their Community and it's existence and significance. In a ritual, designed to recognize adulthood. They welcome the Self Actualized into stage two: Community Actualization. The second third of their model. They are welcomed as a valued adult. Someone who has distinguished themselves as valuable to the community in their very own unique way. Demonstrating Excellence. Check out a Mexican QuinceaƱera sometime. It will educate as to how this may look. Similarly, the elders graduate to the final third, Cultural Perpetuity. Preserving the wisdom of their experience of excellence, forever. Understanding this gives value and respect to each life within the community. An understanding that each person's realization of their excellence potential only strengthens the rock the community is built upon. It also recognizes those who have faith in themselves or others and take action to better the tribe's quality of life. In this environment, the choice is obvious to everyone... it's Common Sense! Common and Community having a great deal of commonality. Animal Rescue.

The end of the story, the wild pack of dogs turned out to be a beloved lost pet with it's puppies. Animal Rescue would have saved the day. The world would be a better place. Unfortunately, Animal Control was involved. Wild animals are an epidemic they can't keep up with. So the dogs were euthanized before the owner found out what had happened.

Such a powerful lesson, papered over by government schools, puppet or misled scientists, and corrupted education practices. But potentially, unearthed to be experimented with... by liberty minded and long term thinking entrepreneurs. Who took the story from there. And started writing a alternative narrative that was subscribed to as a parallel society. A parallel society dedicated to excellence. 

Something a community called Autonomy is well ahead in. Isn't that interesting?

Have you looked into Autonomy? 

If you've read this far, you're probably a good fit for that community and the opportunity it represents for both parties

Respirar Acapulco is an effort to collaborate. Knowledgeable, trustworthy people coming together with a willing community of Acapulco, which is strategically located, fertile ground for entrepreneurs, and has a low cost of living, and a high quality of life. Here, we can demonstrate and breathe life into the tremendous possibilities of tomorrow for truth, freedom, and prosperity for all who desire it, together. You are invited to participate! Join us!


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