Forgiveness: Are the Good Guys really the Good Guys? If they're Bad, are the Bad Guys the Good Ones?

The concept of 'Information as the new oil' could be an opportunity for new blood to take control of the steering wheel of humanity. The 'powers that be' may have left the backdoor open on this one. Their dubious behavior has become so obvious... that in spurring a big change, it could be that big change that is their undoing. 

The value of good information could become great again!

Plus, there's even good news for them, it could be a time for forgiveness... and that includes everybody... even the most blatant sinners.

Let's ask some questions:

WHAT are the biggest problems we face? And are they really as bad as they've been portrayed to be or are they being driven by fiat money?

WHO are the good guys these days? Can you define them? 

WHERE are they? 

WHAT are the good guys doing about all the obvious bad and harmful things going on? (And if your going to suggest a celebrity or political figure you may want to consider the echo-chamber your in.)

WHEN is their plan coming into effect? It obviously hasn't yet...

WHY haven't they done something sooner?

These are the basic questions... but if the good guys are hard to find, what about the BAD Guys? Are they really bad? Most of the people in prison these days aren't violent offenders... if they aren't hurting people, why are they in jail? Why not allow them to be productive? To make it possible for them to restore the damage they've done? Seems like forgiveness could work here!

If the bad people are maintaining their position on top, if they are winning, WHAT are they doing to keep it up? WHAT can we learn from them? 

Of the so called BAD people I've run into, gang-members, mafia, politicians, law enforcers, judges, etc... many have some excellent qualities. If we saw them from a bigger picture, is it possible we could see them in a different light? Is it possible they could see themselves in a different light? By acknowledging the greater picture, do you think those "BAD" people might actually reform themselves? Is it possible we could at least try something different? Like forgiveness? Forgiveness could open doors to high quality information!

I'm a big believer in something called UMBUNTU. It's a African tribal practice of correcting tribe member's mistakes in a healthy manner. It doesn't involve rewards or punishment. It identifies the positives in each individual, it reminds the individual of the beneficial relationships they have, and broadcasts it to the entire community. Then gives the individual the choice and responsibility to live up to his or her potential... knowing that everyone knows and is watching... NOT because they want to shame the person but because they want to see good things happen... for themselves and each other.

The high value information: It works! (It's not just African tribes that practice this, it's in most native and ancient cultures around the world)

Humans are social creatures. At some point in the past, we learned we are very vulnerable alone... so we had to group together and work together. In so doing, we discovered that we could accomplish things together that were impossible on our own... as groups became villages, then towns, then cities... those responsibilities and understandings somehow got lost to "government" and subsequently twisted. We can take those back. We don't need world government to solve our problem, no matter what propaganda and trouble they dream up to justify their existence. We can do much better in small groups. It's not as difficult as it has been conditioned into us to believe. The current system isn't designed to solve problems, it's designed to create problems, it's got us looking in the wrong direction and mislabeling each other.

It's highly likely we all have good and bad traits, some that we need to iron out after living in the upside-down asylum the "game" has created. We're all victims of a system very few understand. Forgiveness my friends, we could all use some forgiveness!


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