The Plans seem to be pretty clear. Difficulties Ahead!! Prepare yourself!

They've really got to get better at hiding the control mechanisms. I know far too many people are zombified by their screens, but still! Excellent video from Really Graceful.  

In my humble opinion, the coming food shortages and hyper-inflation are just one more phase before the big one. Yep, if you think the last one was bad, there's more shit ahead! They are normalizing what they think their going to have to do to get people to comply, if push comes to shove... and the threat has to be perceived real. 

In short, We're changing money folks! Dr. Pippa Malmgren, former US Presidential Advisor, just told us at the World Government Summit. It's coming, and what you have now... may be illegal in the near future. Hear the snap of the whip yet?

Grand Theft World Podcast 074 Preview

Don't be afraid. Fear is their weapon, Have courage!
There's an old Native saying... 'When you're dealing with a angry grizzly bear... you very much appreciate your close friends!' Trusted relationships, friendships and families are going to be GREAT AGAIN!! That's Opportunity!!


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