Ukraine: Are their valuable lessons to learn? Especially from our Veterans and Military Professionals?

 I've been spending some time looking into the reality of what is actually going on in the Ukraine. Being in the military myself for 9+ years, and understanding the profession, as well as understanding how things really work above and below the table, I've got a pretty decent B/S detector in this area and I hope to demonstrate that through my prose. 

So, looking at the conduct of the "War"(I have reservations about calling it a War... it's more likely a death machine for Ukrainians but I continue..) so far, the actual on the ground progress and actions taken; in the profession of war-making and war-fighting, both sides are absolute dismal failures. War is absolute idiocy... but with the tools available, a decent execution of the tactical plan the Russians demonstrated, they should have been able to win this "War" in three or four days. The good ole' "Shock and Awe" of the Gulf War One, being a good example. So we can say without a doubt, the Russians suck at military execution, for sure. You don't need to be a military analyst to see that.

Counter that with the ineptness of the Ukrainians, and the Russians, look even worse.

So why is it that as Scott Ritter has pointed out in numerous interviews over the past few days, the Russians will ultimately prevail at very heavy costs to the Ukrainians? ...that every day this continues thousands of lives will be lost and most of them being Ukrainian? That, every day this continues, the Ukrainian civilian population is going to pay a extremely heavy cost in terms of all of their assets being damaged or destroyed? Not to mention their lives? 

Well, in my view, this situation is like two inept village drunks fighting with each other, and the mayor and city council handing them bats and clubs as they destroy the entire town... and the people inside the town, as all their things are destroyed, stand around stunned and helpless to do anything about it... while a select few wonder in confusion ...what the fuck is going on? .

As someone who is a member of the military community, I point to the quietness of those who call themselves "professionals" and "Veterans" in this arena. About this "War," and the absence of outrage at the stupidity and ridiculousness of it is deafening. The giddy nature of the NATO governments to pour fuel on the fire and for them to say nothing or know nothing. Shouldn't that be shocking? What did they fight for again? Why did they have to learn their craft and sacrifice their time to learn? And why did we all have to pay for it? In the US, we've got a robust "Defense Industry" so you should be able to find them all over... right? You can certainly find a Veteran when there's free food for Veterans Day!

For those of you who have no military experience other than watching it on Tv or in a movie, here are a few questions for those military "professionals" and "Veterans" if you see them:

1. Do they see the reality of the situation in Ukraine? Or are they just as blind as the fools fighting for the Ukrainian actor?  Whose spending most of his time collecting billions of dollars for the defense industries all over the Western World, rather than concerned about his people or their plight. Are they seeing and assessing the costs of this on-going disaster?

2. Would they fight for the Ukrainian command? Whether they were conscripts being handed a gun and ten bullets and bused to the front and dropped off... and fed into a meat grinder; Or the mercenaries... who think they're going to get a paycheck at the end of this... Or the military contractors, being paid much much better, but having to train and maintain equipment that will probably be more likely a target that blows up than any form of effective military instrument?

3. Is the paycheck worth it? We've had 20 years of "Thank You for Your Service!" Wouldn't you think by now we'd have some professional military and Veterans that had some standards of excellence to inform the uninformed about the reality of the military situation and that sending in more gasoline into this burning building isn't going to help Ukrainians or anyone else for that matter... Oh, but of course, the one exception being the military industry's paychecks. Are we on the path to burning down the whole world for a paycheck?

I respect my fellow Veterans, I know the sacrifices they had to make. I understand the situation most Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors, and Marines find themselves in. I have a nephew in the Marines that I'm very proud of. They're most likely doing the best they can. But, if responsible people don't start opening their eyes and seeing the Truth... and in their professional and knowledgeable capacities steeping up to ask questions and to inform those around them of injustice or harm going on in their area of concern, we're all going to lose. 

There's a choice: The drunks, with the mayor and his crew, egging them on, demolish the entire town; Or someone demonstrates a higher standard, and stops it.

Check out how the next crisis is being framed. Listen to the first few minutes of the words of this food executive and how he frames it as what "we" have done...

Next, the average Russian on the street seems to get the picture of what the Western governments are doing. They will use the Ukrainians as cannon fodder til there are no more Ukrainians. And by then, the next crisis will be in full swing... and then the poor and helpless around the world will starve from the food crisis that resulted from the previous stupidity.  Getting tired of beating your head against the wall yet?

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