Are you living in a War zone and just don't know it yet? Is 2022 for the USSA what 1917 was for the USSR?

Personally, I've been having a hard time with the reality of the situation that most people are going to find themselves in in the coming years. I've been keeping my eyes open and doing my homework and it's pretty depressing to see the masses headed down the path they just can't seem to alter. There are many reasons, psychology, trauma, obedience, religious adherence to fiat money... to name a few. The following is a bit of my own therapy... and hopefully some of you can benefit from it. The implosion of US manufacturing continues and the Philadelphia Fed report is an ominous sign for the end of an era as most "Americans" may be saying farewell to the middle class for good. The engineered destruction of the world economy by two-bit politicians, greedy financial experts, corrupt public/private partnerships, and lazy government bureaucrats is going to hit the middle class the worst... and the primary target is the dumbed-down and divided citizenry of the USSA....