
Showing posts from May, 2022

Are you living in a War zone and just don't know it yet? Is 2022 for the USSA what 1917 was for the USSR?

Personally, I've been having a hard time with the reality of the situation that most people are going to find themselves in in the coming years. I've been keeping my eyes open and doing my homework and it's pretty depressing to see the masses headed down the path they just can't seem to alter. There are many reasons, psychology, trauma, obedience, religious adherence to fiat money... to name a few.  The following is a bit of my own therapy... and hopefully some of you can benefit from it. The implosion of US manufacturing continues and the Philadelphia Fed report is an ominous sign for the end of an era as most "Americans" may be saying farewell to the middle class for good. The engineered destruction of the world economy by two-bit politicians, greedy financial experts, corrupt public/private partnerships, and lazy government bureaucrats is going to hit the middle class the worst... and the primary target is the dumbed-down and divided citizenry of the USSA....

Are Borders for the Scarcity Minded and the Foolish?

"It isn't a wall to keep people out... it's a wall to keep people in... and it's not the physical one I'm referring to, it's the mental one." ~Michael Nimetz When it comes to "intelligence" most Westerners consider the first world far ahead of the rest of the world... but that would be a very foolish assumption. The IQ test was never a good gauge for much other than picking obedient civil servants. When it comes to quality of life, the Western world is headed into an abyss that many will probably never escape from. Lies, injustice, inequities, death, disease and destruction they will never figure out the source of... On the other hand, the third world's quality of life, absent their "modern" cities, continues to be inexplicably resilient and incredibly high despite low GDP numbers. The Ivy Leaguers just have to scratch their heads... For many decades people in the United States have been fed a hearty diet of propaganda on Mexico. Th...

How to deliver and receive critical feedback... the beauty of asking for permission!

 Thanks to attending an Accountability course courtesy of Ron Renaud and Autonomy, I got interested in the idea of asking permission. Subsequently, I was reviewing an old Forbes article from 2015 I found, it contained some really valuable advice that included step one, asking permission. The ACED Feedback Model Some of the gold:  "Many people are very reticent when it comes to giving critical feedback. It’s because we’re so uncomfortable with the emotions that can arise from it—our own and others’. We hate to offend and we loathe hurting other people’s feelings or inciting resentment, which only exacerbates existing issues. The safer option is to simply say nothing, let people continue on as they are, and just hope they’ll eventually realize how their behavior is hurting them and impacting others. But problematic behaviors that may seem obvious to you are rarely obvious to the person exhibiting them. Let’s face it; if it were easy to see how our actions limited our success we...

Is the Crypto Winter of all Winters here?

 Three different situations have come to light in the last week or so that demonstrate what I laid out in my last post on the crypto-industry. Having gone through the dot-com bust as a day trader 20+ years ago. I can't help but see the very same patterns taking place. Point one, 2022 has been a sad year for From a high in the 88 cent range at the end of November of 2021, CRO has now sunk to less than 18 cents. The $100 million spent in advertising, and the $700 million spent on sponsoring a sports stadium is certainly reminiscent of the furious way many dot-coms tanked in the early 2000's. Burning cash to gain customers seemed like a good idea... until it wasn't.  Point two, Coinbase announces to it's customers that they'd be at the back of the line if the company was to go into bankruptcy. A company already known for piss poor customer service and ratting out it's own customers to the government. I don't see a bright future ahead for Coinbase or...

Communication: Are you mastering it or being confined by it?

 I often say it so it may be time to discuss it a bit. English is a slave language. For most who use it, it confines them. However, it can be overcome. For many, those who are lazy or unaware, it confines them to their echo-chambers and programmed conclusions. With the modern technological tools, many more are swept up into the illusions and false dichotomies that they then can be steered from. Social media, for example, is not our friend. It's a tool people have been taught and conditioned to use, to view as a necessity, when in actuality it has obscure functions that don't serve those who use it. It actually serves to undermine them. Although there are beneficial attributes, it is clear these tools serve a distinct powerful minority primarily.  There are solutions that represent much better alternatives for communicators, however, few recognize the need or are aware of a choice. A small few have the courage and endurance it takes to take charge of the responsibility of the w...

The problem with "Work?": A tribute to Bob Black...

 What is the problem with work?  As with many things in the contemporary language called "English," we have words with multiple meanings and connotations. This leads to confusion and misunderstandings. Which can then be taken advantage of by those who know better, those who don't seek to inform but to derive power over others through ignorance. There is a reason Richard Grove says "English is a slave language." So, we need to rise above it. With that in mind, we must be careful to define our terms and gently seek understanding rather than rushing and being misunderstood.  To quote from Bob Black's essay from 1985 "The Abolition of Work":  "No one should ever work.  Work is the source of nearly all the misery in the world. Almost any evil you’d care to name comes from working or from living in a world designed for work. In order to stop suffering, we have to stop working.  That doesn’t mean we have to stop doing things. It does mean creating a...