Communication: Are you mastering it or being confined by it?

 I often say it so it may be time to discuss it a bit. English is a slave language. For most who use it, it confines them. However, it can be overcome.

For many, those who are lazy or unaware, it confines them to their echo-chambers and programmed conclusions. With the modern technological tools, many more are swept up into the illusions and false dichotomies that they then can be steered from. Social media, for example, is not our friend. It's a tool people have been taught and conditioned to use, to view as a necessity, when in actuality it has obscure functions that don't serve those who use it. It actually serves to undermine them. Although there are beneficial attributes, it is clear these tools serve a distinct powerful minority primarily.  There are solutions that represent much better alternatives for communicators, however, few recognize the need or are aware of a choice.

A small few have the courage and endurance it takes to take charge of the responsibility of the words they use, how they use them, and understand the effectiveness of the medium they are using. Capable of understanding the multiple definitions of the words, to chose them thoughtfully and responsibly, to organize and assemble them knowing they are using them to be understood and are willingly encouraging feedback to assure the message has been received accurately. 

Consequently, misunderstandings are the norm rather than the exception. In addition, because of the 'anti-culture's' (some call them 'elite') cultural programming and conditioning efforts, nearly everyone is susceptible to falling into the trap of being emotionally triggered by words. Having their neo-cortex essentially turned off and their "animal brain" and instincts activated. Resulting in a number of ill effects... including re-traumatization, fear response, stress, fight or flight mode, to name just a few. These could all be considered being 'triggered.' In most cases this is a preconceived programming that has been carefully and repetitiously installed. 

Most people assume they are communicating, when in actuality, they are not. Of the following two lists, which results are you most familiar with?

Effectiveness in communication leads to the following:

  • Accurate information being shared
  • Minimization of conflict and confusion
  • Saves resources like time and money
  • Helps establish a bond between participants
  • Leads to intended results being achieved
  • Leads to appropriate feedback being given and received
  • Helps build trust and stronger relationships
  • Fosters and develops skills such as listening, speaking, organizing, commitment, accountability, responsibility, etc...
Ineffectiveness in communication leads to:
  • Mixed messages, misunderstandings and confusion
  • Increased risk of unintended outcomes
  • Conflict and strained relationships
  • Decreased chance of intended outcomes being achieved
  • Stress, doubt, fear, ignorance, etc...
  • Emotional reactions and disturbances
  • Reinforcement and perpetuation of bad habits in communication
  • The need for distractions
Which of these lists more accurately reflect your experience?

Also understand the effectiveness of the medium being used to effect communication. 

Most effective mediums:
  • face to face in person conversations
Least effective mediums:
  • Texting
  • Email
  • Messaging
There are six channels of communication when one considers two people communicating with each other. 

  1. Conscious to conscious between the two people (Least information)
  2. Conscious to subconscious between the two people (Variable)
  3. Subconscious to conscious between the two people (Variable)
  4. Subconscious to subconscious between the two people (Most information)
  5. Conscious to subconscious and back for one participant (Variable)
  6. Conscious to subconscious and back for the other participant (Variable)

In the face to face, in person conversation medium, all of these channels are available and can be utilized to receive and interpret feedback. Take note that the most information is being exchanged with the subconscious. In the lessor mediums, much is lost. With texting and other written forms of communication it is utilizing the least capable channel. And, with multiple understandings for specific words, with abbreviation, emojis, etc... there is a wide range and opportunity for assumptions and presumptions to be made. Which leads to misunderstandings, confusion, conflict, etc...

There is much more to communication. We're just scraping the surface. This is just the very base level of the bullshit people have been led to that has to be overcome to effectively communicate. I wish you the best in this tremendously important effort.

Respirar Acapulco is an effort to collaborate. Knowledgeable, trustworthy people coming together with a willing community of Acapulco, which is strategically located, fertile ground for entrepreneurs, has a low cost of living, a high quality of life, a healthy culture, and much more. Here, we can demonstrate and breathe life into the tremendous possibilities of tomorrow for truth, freedom, and prosperity for all who desire it, together. You are invited to participate! Join us!.


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