Are Borders for the Scarcity Minded and the Foolish?

"It isn't a wall to keep people out... it's a wall to keep people in... and it's not the physical one I'm referring to, it's the mental one." ~Michael Nimetz

When it comes to "intelligence" most Westerners consider the first world far ahead of the rest of the world... but that would be a very foolish assumption. The IQ test was never a good gauge for much other than picking obedient civil servants. When it comes to quality of life, the Western world is headed into an abyss that many will probably never escape from. Lies, injustice, inequities, death, disease and destruction they will never figure out the source of... On the other hand, the third world's quality of life, absent their "modern" cities, continues to be inexplicably resilient and incredibly high despite low GDP numbers. The Ivy Leaguers just have to scratch their heads...

For many decades people in the United States have been fed a hearty diet of propaganda on Mexico. There are supposed facts and statistics to back the disinformation program. However, the reality is Mexico has been propping up the US economy for a very long time. Cheap natural resources, low cost labor on both sides of the border, and even power to add to a long list of benefits the US takes. The idea that people are flooding across the border uncontrolled is primarily a media event with some help from the US government and a number of NGOs who have been aiding and in many cases recruiting immigrants and refugees from war-torn parts of the world (courtesy of US foreign policies) to suppliment the low cost labor the multi-nationals take advantage of. If anything, Mexicans in the know, are quietly heading the other direction... South.

"The best slave is the one who thinks they are free." Johann von Goethe

There are many Mexicans that have family and friends in the USA, or have lived there themselves, and they are very glad to be on this side of the prison wall, the freedom side. To them, Americans may have more fiat money... but that money comes with a great deal of stress, hardships, stupidity, and difficulties they just don't have to deal with here. If the truth got out about the details of the actual differences, it wouldn't be Texas or Florida the debt slaves would be moving to... it would be Southern Mexico. But that's certainly the advantage of having a population of zombies addicted to the flat screen. They don't use their head, they wait to be agitated, then go from there on emotion. No thinking required.

Mexico doesn't just have a great deal more freedom than the "Land of the Fee and the Home of the Debt-Slave" they've actually got a robust culture based on common sense. The differences are night and day once a person has woken up to the benefits of a largely matriarchal society. Again, outside of the propaganda, much of Mexico has a great deal more respect for women, children and the elderly than can even be conceived of in the Western world. Family is still the number one authority, far above fiat money and government, which is the undisclosed religion in the Western world. And beyond that, Mexico is a land of abundance. Especially in the South. Food falls from the sky!!

I'm going to keep this relatively short. Let me attempt to summarize: The Western World has become the refugee stage of a process where Western militarist create dangerous and destructive narratives that allow them to destroy cultures and communities. Those populations are forced to move. The Western countries incentivize them. They are enticed by the fiat money and welfare... but eventually become the next crop of debt slaves and socialist "voters". Meanwhile, places where culture remains strong, family remains highly regarded, abundance remains apparent, and people remain respectful to each other, they become the freest places, the highest quality of living, and have an abundance of opportunity. 

For those with courage and good sense... don't let borders, walls, or propaganda keep you from living the good life!

Note: This took place 300 years ago in France. The peasants were taxed and prodded into poverty which killed innovation and productivity. Simon Black in his latest blog posits the French were a century behind the English in agriculture and industry in the 1700's because of these policies. The French were lowered to beggars. Lady Mary Montagu, wrote of her trip to a French village in 1718 that “the whole town [came] out to beg, with such miserable starved faces, and thin tattered clothes, they need no other eloquence to persuade the wretchedness of their condition.” Enlighten yourselves! Go where you are treated best!

Respirar Acapulco is an effort to collaborate. Knowledgeable, trustworthy people coming together with a willing community of Acapulco, which is strategically located, fertile ground for entrepreneurs, has a low cost of living, a high quality of life, a healthy culture, and much more. Here, we can demonstrate and breathe life into the tremendous possibilities of tomorrow for truth, freedom, and prosperity for all who desire it, together. You are invited to participate! Join us!.


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