Are there days where you wonder... Is there any good news?

I recently started following Chuck Barone. It's obvious he is a smart investor with a wealth of experience. Something I do value highly when I need more answers or there are questions no one seems to have answers for. But in his last video he mentions "I've never seen anything like this!" Something that took me back to 2006-07 when, as a successful part time day trader, I was seeing things I just couldn't explain and it told me then to get out of the market.  I did! At the time I compared it to looking out on the bay at sailboats... knowing which way the wind was blowing and watching the sailboats going the wrong direction (doing the impossible).

When I see those kind of indicators I know big trouble is close.

As Chuck mentions, it appears the debt market, which is already a Frankenstein of unbelievable proportions, is sucking up all the available cash... even as fast as the Fed can punch zeros into their computers... every other market was down... and with inflation in the 15-25% (maybe much more) range in reality... the 10 year yield is in reverse going lower. If you look at how much money is being dumped into this effort... it's immense, the Japanese Central Bank is printing  trillions themselves... this absurdity suggests, we're near a tipping point... and the central banks may be on the verge of losing control of the situation themselves... which means it could really be total and absolute chaos... with no one in control... and even the well off running for their bunkers in fright. All of these command economies and governments, could simply be frozen out... and when the paychecks stop coming across the board... things can change rapidly.

So, it is a serious time to reflect on what are your best strategies... and I'm not talking about prepping. I'm talking about knowing human nature and what actually works when the real life challenges present themselves. The skills and assets you absolutely need in those environments are things like knowing who to trust, having communication skills, the ability to cooperate, the ability to assert yourself when you have a good answer or the ability to solve a problem, as well as having a community and a culture around you that respects humanity, intelligence, and ethical behavior over stupidity.

I'm telling you... Acapulco is one of the better places to be when chaos is at hand. Another is to be in a community like Autonomy (I am indeed fortunate). You don't have to believe me, but I would suggest regardless, you be very observant, orient yourself accordingly, make decisions, and take ACTION... and then be very eager for feedback so as to learn from mistakes as well as good fortune quickly. Then Repeat!

Most are going to be stunned and in shock... unable to move or even think clearly but for those of you that realize there isn't going to be any rescue, it's entirely your responsibility on what happens to you and your loved ones... this will be your first real experience with freedom... Take it!! Run with it!! It might just turn out to be the very best time of your life!!

Respirar Acapulco is a blog that is also an effort to meet and collaborate with like-minded people. Knowledgeable, trustworthy, inspired people coming together with the willing and friendly communities of Acapulco. Which is strategically located, fertile ground for entrepreneurs, has a low cost of living, a high quality of life, a healthy culture, and much more. Here, we can demonstrate and breathe life into the tremendous possibilities for truth, freedom, and prosperity for all who desire it, together. If this sound interesting...You are invited to participate! Join us!


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