Gross revenue per employee per hour... by Industry... Do you see opportunity for yourself?
It's no surprise that I despise the fiat monetary system. It is a modern slave system and I am certainly an abolitionist when it comes to slavery. In my view, and from what I've been able to learn, people have been fooled into selling their souls for a sliver of their true worth... and being encouraged to be happy with the dwindling scraps. In many cases they've been sold an illusion and in reality they've owned nothing and suffered for quite a while but not known how to express their reservations or had the time to ponder what's really gone wrong.
And, in many cases, when presented with something different, they didn't have the time or patience to consider it or understand it... so the system has been perpetuated far longer than it should have... but luckily, every moment is a fresh beginning!
Let's take a look at the corporate world for a moment and guess how much the system is siphoning off of people's potential. Looking at average revenue per employee by industry we can get some clues.
In the Energy sector, the average employee is generating $1.79 million in gross revenue (2016 dollars) and Valero is the leader by far with $7.6 million per employee per year. If you break these numbers down by the hour (2000 hrs/yr)
1. Energy $895 / hr
2. Health $445 / hr
3. Utilities $405 / hr
4. Consumer Staples $345 / hr
5. Financial $325 / hr
6. Telecom $305 / hr
7. Materials $300 / hr
8. Technology $240 / hr
9. Consumer Discretionary $210 / hr
10. Industrial $160 / hr
*. McDonalds $50 / hr
If you've spent any time in the corporate world you probably know how crooked most companies operate. The waste and lack of oversight combined with ridiculous rules and regulations are taken advantage of by a select few. I included McDonald's because although they are only generating $50 /hr per employee they've been able to amass a record of consistent profit that is significant. And although making hamburgers isn't a capital intensive business, even a minimum wage employee is costing them in the range of $25 / hr. So when you consider benefits and taxes required (much of which is serving to fund other industry segments of this system) and they're still making millions in consistent profits on a very slight margin. One can only imagine the amount of money being funneled into "expenses" in these other businesses (I know there are many variables but I think the point is clear).
Now, stepping beyond the religion of fiat money into a Quality of Life comparison. Living in a place like Acapulco, a person can live respectably for $1000 / month (we have real people here living on less) which means if they earned $10 / hr they still only need to work 25 hrs / week and can spend the rest of their time enjoying their lives on the beach sipping a cool drink from a fresh coconut. Compared that to the USA where, if people are lucky enough to earn $50 / hr they're probably not making ends meet working 40+ hours / week, plus spending another 20-30 hours commuting back and forth. And with inflation, this disparity is only going to increase!
For those who work remotely, it's "a no brainer!"
And spending just a bit more time on Quality of Life... what are some of the things people truly value that currently, they only associate with first having fiat money first before they can acquire it?
Here's some visuals I found that attempt to encapsulate the idea...

In addition, a question to ask yourself... What are the most valuable investments of time and energy that has the greatest long term benefits toward the highest quality of life?
Here's my list:
1. Developing access to valuable useful Knowledge (Self-Actualization)
2. Developing access and ability to communicate with capable and talented people (Community)
3. Developing the ability to have Trusting and Loving Relationships (Truth/Honesty, Integrity, Ethics, Love in it's many forms)
4. Developing the ability to have time to Ponder and Discern what is most important (Self-Actualization, Community Actualization, and Cultural Perpetuity)
5. Developing the ability to perpetuate a long term legacy of ethical behavior (Cultural Perpetuity)
But that's me... there's many diverse descriptions of what Quality of Life represents... those graphics are just some that I gathered via the internet. My suggestion to you is... the current slew of crises represents an opportunity to take the time to reflect on what is truly the most important for you. Take this opportunity to refocus on those crucial things rather than chase the crowd that has been conditioned and domesticated to be led into perpetual dependency.
And again, one more reason to consider checking out Autonomy, the Ethical Emergence Course I instruct, or spending some time in Acapulco during the Winter!
Respirar Acapulco is a blog that is also an effort to meet and collaborate with like-minded people. Knowledgeable, trustworthy, inspired people coming together with the willing and friendly communities of Acapulco. Which is strategically located, fertile ground for entrepreneurs, has a low cost of living, a high quality of life, a healthy culture, and much more. Here, we can demonstrate and breathe life into the tremendous possibilities for truth, freedom, and prosperity for all who desire it, together. If this sound interesting...You are invited to participate! Join us!
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