My father is 78 today. He witnessed quite a few developments in those years. I wonder if he's happy or sad about what has transpired?

 My father was born on July 12th, 1944 in Gary Indiana. At the time World War Two was going on. Millions of people dying... much of the world engaged in a giant war right after a world economic disaster brought on by the actions of central bankers, powerful governments, and the ruling class. Sound familiar?

Despite that, life went on, he graduated from Calumet High School in 1962, worked in one of the local Steel Mills until he enlisted in the USMC, eventually ending up in Vietnam during the early stages of the American government's direct military involvement in the Southeastern Asian country.

He returned to get married and start a family. Going to a trade school, he became a auto mechanic... and took up motocross as a hobby. Something as a child, I got to witness how much he enjoyed... so much so that he also started a successful small business around the sport. The hard work and long hours he put in, and yet to have such fun with something so demanding. He shined in my eyes. Certainly heroic!

It wasn't all fun and games... he lost a son who was only 4 months old... Matthew.

Some years later, he encountered divorce. Another of modern society's modern issues created by the predators within the system. The local economy tanked due to another economic downturn caused by bankers, government, and the ruling class again. He switched jobs, got remarried, divorced again, and married yet again. More children... and a son headed off to the next conflict, created to serve the very few. Luckily, I survived! That was me!

He moved out of the city to a small town. Another divorce. And another example of the injustice regularly served out by the "legal system." He watched his children grow up until a second son, Joey, was critically injured in a car accident. Joe would suffer many years in a coma to eventually pass on. His father, suffered by his side, always devoted to his well being, no matter the difficulty. My father would go on to eventually retire from being a service manager of a Ford Dealership. Something he was exceptional at... and graduate into driving an 18-wheel milk truck. If you don't know, that happens to be a very dangerous job. Because milk is a edible product, the tanker doesn't have baffles... so the 8,000 gallons of liquid can splash around quite violently... and combine that with slick or icy roads... and it's scary. I've witnessed it first hand..

Never the less, he performed the job without a major incident for over a decade. Until he had a stroke. Although it set him back, he had to relearn how to speak, how to type, and relearn many basic functions. He persisted and did it happily.

Currently we sit in the middle of yet another banker, government, ruling class caused debacle. Tens of trillions of dollars of fiat debt and derivatives given to people who had less than ethical intentions... threatening to collapse the entire world economy, bankrupt the middle classes, and send hundreds of millions to their death via starvation. 

As much turmoil as he's witnessed and been affected by in his 78 years, I do wonder what he thinks about the people who have constantly taken advantage of the system at the cost of the many, including himself? Is he resentful or does it really matter at all? These material things, are they really that important? Is it about that or about the life's one touches and the ideas and behaviors that are passed on to the future?

He inspired me when I was young to do what was right and what one loved. He saw me try hard and sometimes succeed but also fail. He continued to encourage me... even when times got tough or even bleak. I did however always remain determined, partly at the very least, to honor what I found best in him. It continues to motivate me today. I am striving to be the best example I can be of someone trying to do his very best to do the right thing while enjoying the necessary work ti requires. It is the hardest I've ever had to struggle... because it is so far from the norm, unfortunately. But never the less, worthy work I will continue to do in tribute to those that came before me as well as those yet to be.

Respirar Acapulco is a blog that is also an effort to meet and collaborate with like-minded people. Knowledgeable, trustworthy, inspired people coming together with the willing and friendly communities of Acapulco. Which is strategically located, fertile ground for entrepreneurs, has a low cost of living, a high quality of life, a healthy culture, and much more. Here, we can demonstrate and breathe life into the tremendous possibilities for truth, freedom, and prosperity for all who desire it, together. If this sound interesting...You are invited to participate! Join us!


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