The difficulties of "Doing the Right Thing!" Is it even possible?

This is one that is very close to my heart so I'm going to do my best to communicate it properly. At the end I have a video that represents a test that you can take, if you are so inclined, that may give you some valuable feedback.

In many ways I've learned to love to be the hard charger. I have loved being a leader (NCO, Coach, Builder, Superintendent, Project Manager, Program Manager, President, Entrepreneur) leading the righteous mission that brings about what was perceived to be impossible... the Win-win! When it happens... when people actually get to do something that is substantial, that makes a positive difference, that is actually fun to be a part of...that serves them and their customer well... it's magical, it's beautiful, it gives people hope, that the world can be better! I've had instances of delivering some big win-wins in my life... they were great! Until... I looked a little deeper... only to find out... it was a win-win-lose. The business enterprise won (or thought they won)... the customer won (or thought they won) but society lost.

Thus, discovering which way is the right way when the world is upside-down in nearly every way isn't easy, it's so elusive that I don't think many of the smartest people even think it's possible. Most give up or settle for some pragmatic view... or fool themselves into believing a lie that sounds good or that others they hold on a pedestal, support. Society appears to be a tangled mess of ignorance, violence, coercion, trauma, stupidity, etc... As George Carlin so eloquently stated... "Bullshit is the essential ingredient in this world... Bullshit is the glue!" It's not easy to deal with... it certainly is not as easy as some attempt to make people believe. Even the best and brightest can be fooled. And many times, tragically.

For my adult life, I started out as early as I could to do the 'right thing.' The day I turned 17, I signed up for the Army. My intention was to do the right thing when the place I was at represented so many of the wrong things. People being stupid, people being fooled, people falling into the traps set for them. In opposition to that, I was going to stand on principles... the most cherished principles I could find... Patriotism. Hard work. Determination. Love of one's country... especially a country dedicated to freedom, sounded great! However, as bullshit stories go... it's one of the biggest one's. It took 9 years to extricate myself from that mistake, of being an actual slave, property of the US government, of believing a big lie. But that wasn't the only one.

Evaluating the situation... it seemed obvious to go in the opposite direction... destroying things wasn't the answer. Building things, had to be right. Fast forward 15 years and it was clear to me it was just as unethical to be building a facade that claimed to be one thing when it was really just another trap. I started building houses... then developments... then commercial buildings and eventually large infrastructure for the aviation industry. And being that I was there first hand, to see the utter stupidity and harmfulness of those industries and their "executive's" poor decisions and blindness... it sickened me. I stayed until I was "vested." Then I retired.

I had built a 'nest egg,' I had the freedom and ability to make choices most don't have, so I felt it was best to involve myself in changing the system that had fostered this chaos. Luckily, I found someone who represented the pinnacle of principles in the otherwise unprincipled political system. Ron Paul. He, and his ground swell of a movement represented my next version of the right thing... yet it was blunted by a much more powerful force... that, for the most part, few understood. That powerful force had not only corrupted national politics, local politics, industry, the educational institutions, but the people's very minds. Even Ron Paul didn't have an answer for the disease this system has created and proliferated.

Coming to the realization that people, even myself, have been programmed and conditioned to be blind, stupid, and irresponsible isn't easy. Trained to be self-defeating. To practice learned helplessness to such a degree that I was blind to my blindness to the traps I just kept falling into. That I built for myself. It is an uncomfortable reality to confront.

Being a "responsible person" in the 'Bizarro world' of modern society was just supporting the system and accepting the dominate religion as a necessary evil. For those who come face to face with the reality of it... it can be heartbreaking. Some literally go "crazy," some fall into addictions, or delve into being involved in deep distractions, some just can't take it and end it all. Many isolate themselves so they aren't reminded of the stupidity that surrounds them or that resides within them, or that has become part of their daily rituals. The system has done a very efficient and effective job of being like a contagion that has infected almost everything.

Needless to say, there's a great deal of habitual suffering. A great deal of habitual self-harm. A great deal of habitual stupidity. Very few know a way out of the morass... it's nearly everywhere... and the Cov-Aids scamdemic is just one of the many indicators of how far and wide this system has infected the minds and souls of the entire planet.

It is a system that has to come to an end... but how?

This is something I've struggled with mightily for more than a decade as I became more and more aware of it's extent. And it's been a depressing realization that comes down to leading everyone to being reduced to... as depicted in the movie "The Matrix"... a battery. Unfortunately... unlike the movie, there is no red pill that one takes and gains awareness... it's a habitual thing called learning and it doesn't end.

Let me give you a test for your own awareness. A possible place to start. The following 9 minute video has four major flaws(for lack of a better word)... that are cleverly hidden (possibly unknowingly) in a message that appears to say the right things... and may actually make you feel good... but actually represents the latest version of the system's very old method of leading people astray... Can you find them?

I'll provide four ways of delivering you feedback. I believe in giving people choices. Awareness of choices leads to freedom. The first I've already given you... there's four flaws, if you find them, you can pat yourself on the back. Second, you can leave a comment which I will respond to. Third, you can use my calendly and schedule some time to discuss this. Fourth, and this is primarily available to those of you who are already in the AUTONOMY community, I will be addressing this at the next Leadership Ethics and Organization podcast (Wednesday, July 27th 9pm ET/ 6pm PT)  that you can participate in. 

Consider checking out Autonomy, the Ethical Emergence Course I instruct, or spending some time in Acapulco during the Winter!

Respirar Acapulco is a blog that is also an effort to meet and collaborate with like-minded people. Knowledgeable, trustworthy, inspired people coming together with the willing and friendly communities of Acapulco. Which is strategically located, fertile ground for entrepreneurs, has a low cost of living, a high quality of life, a healthy culture, and much more. Here, we can demonstrate and breathe life into the tremendous possibilities for truth, freedom, and prosperity for all who desire it, together. If this sound interesting...You are invited to participate! Join us!


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