Why are people so determined to be easily fooled?

There are a number of reasons that lead people to be stubbornly foolish.

One example, Milton Erickson discovered what he called "the Confusion Technique" which demonstrated that if you get a person confused, what ever option you give them that appears to end the confusion, they will jump at. This was certainly seized upon by those who were interested in the social engineering of society because you see it all the time these days. The key that makes the technique so powerful is the use of pride and shame to lock people into that momentary decision. Firstly, they made the decision... and if bolstered by praise, it becomes something to be proud of. Something they did right! Secondly, to admit that the state of confusion was something they feared is probably shameful to most... from another perspective, making the decision they did was simply a choice between having the courage to confront the fear, or just cowering to it. Not many are aware of this consciously, but somewhere within, this is reality is stewing in their shadow self.

But that's not where I wanted to go with this, I wanted to point to another reason people are rushing to make poor decisions. Conditioning.

I recently utilized PreSearch to search the internet for a question... "Why do people make poor decisions?" Looking down the results I found three that stood out... 

one from the Harvard Business Review entitled: "Nine Habits that lead to Terrible Decisions." 

The second, a website called VeryWellMind.com, entitled: "Reasons Why You Make Bad Decisions." 

The third, Inc magazine: "Seven Common Causes of Bad Decisions You Don't Think About Enough." All three worthy of taking a look at.

When one considers that only about 5% of one's behavior is something they are conscious of. It's very important to consider what lessons, beliefs, experiences, etc... are going into their subconscious mind... because that's where most of their actions are being controlled from. In addition, it's very common knowledge that the subconscious does not distinguish between what is real and what is an illusion. The stories and narratives we are being exposed to in many cases are fictions... but our subconscious that is driving our actions doesn't recognize that! Do you see the glaring potential problem?

Some of the things from these articles bring up to really ponder... People make bad decisions because:

They are lazy

They've been conditioned by their particular echo-chamber

They have bad incentives (fiat money is #1)

They are influenced by people with different values 

They copy-cat

They are locked into the past

They are isolated

They lack the technical expertise

They use mental shortcuts or what is referred to as "Heuristics"

If one considers the TV shows, movies, news, social media, etc... that people are exposed to millions of times... how many reinforce these ideas?

What's worse is... when matched with the concept of mass formation. These ideas are so firmly locked in place by the emotions that have been tied to them... logic isn't going to have a chance against it when attempting to dislodge these limiting or false beliefs.

I bring this to your attention because it's important to recognize that our judgement and especially our inability to control our rush to judgement when we're "triggered" is being steered toward outcomes that don't serve our best interests. That, in many cases is actually detrimental to our own well being and certainly effects people around us. This is driving further isolation and trauma which leads to an inability to collaborate or even communicate with others. This is disastrous for all of our future potential!

In addition, when one considers the benefits of delaying judgement. It's clear, we have to unlearn what we've been conditioned to do and metalearn what are the most beneficial habits and practices

One more reason to consider checking out Autonomy, the Ethical Emergence Course I instruct, or spending some time in Acapulco during the Winter!

Respirar Acapulco is a blog that is also an effort to meet and collaborate with like-minded people. Knowledgeable, trustworthy, inspired people coming together with the willing and friendly communities of Acapulco. Which is strategically located, fertile ground for entrepreneurs, has a low cost of living, a high quality of life, a healthy culture, and much more. Here, we can demonstrate and breathe life into the tremendous possibilities for truth, freedom, and prosperity for all who desire it, together. If this sound interesting...You are invited to participate! Join us!


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