Why are People Stupid? Who is Dietrich Bonhoeffer?

 The zombification of the masses didn't happen overnight. There's more than one reason people are getting dumber and dumber. However, today I'm going to focus on one reason: they are paid to be stupid... thanks to fiat currency. 

Fiat money is something that hasn't been around as long as you may think. And with the amount and world scale of recklessness with fiat currency we are seeing today, a scale never seen at the magnitude it is currently being applied. There is the opportunity to learn a very valuable lesson!

A little currency history: There are numerous examples but I'll stick with one I'm familiar with, the US dollar. Prior to the dollar which was defined very clearly by the US Constitution in 1788 and the Coinage Act of 1792. It was a currency defined in a specific amount of gold or silver. The colonists had experienced the disaster of fiat when in 1775 the Continental Congress started issuing a currency to pay for the Revolutionary War. Anyone who was paid in it found out the hard way. It was soon inflated out of existence. Consequently, the politicians of the 1780's had their hands tied, the population wasn't going to be fooled by fiat paper money.

Fast forward to the next major war, the Civil War of 1861-1865. Abe Lincoln, unable to get reasonable financing from European banks for waging War, created the "greenback" to pay for the Union Army's expenses. This was accompanied by the first "legal tender" law passed in 1862. After the War, greenbacks were discontinued and eventually became par value with the original dollar.

Next, after a banker caused financial crisis in 1907, the Federal Reserve Act established the Federal Reserve in 1913. The US government had adopted a "Gold Standard" in 1900 which contributed to the circumstances of the financial crisis in 1907. Subsequently, WWI took advantage of the loosening of control on currency the Federal Reserve allowed. However, it still had many constraints. Thus the confiscation of Gold in the 1930's and the designation of the US dollar as the standard for International exchange by the Bretton Woods conference in 1944. It wasn't until 1971 that the US government completely removed any tie to gold and the dollar unofficially became what economists call "the petro-dollar." Since then there have been a number of increasingly growing crises and wars... 1973 oil crisis, 79-81 recession, 87-89 Savings and Loan crisis, 99-01 dot.com bubble, the War on Terror, 08-10 recession, etc... 

The amount of crises only increase with fiat money because it gives the politicians and the bankers behind them the excuse to print billions and trillions of fiat notes that can then be given to the first tier of the control pyramid... and then subsequently depreciated as it travels further down to the masses at the bottom. The slaves... who are really working and trading their time and effort for an illusion of value.

And thus, they need to remain ignorant to the system. They need to be dumbed-down and convinced that they are powerless to demand anything more. Something that the concept of "Mass Formation" certainly accelerates. As this permiates every industry and profession, the standards for excellence are lost and what it is replaced with is determined not by common sense or best practices but by those with the freshest and biggest pockets of fiat money. Institutions become pliable to those who fund their "education" programs.

Why do doctors hand out poisons as medicine? Why is it every time someone has to deal with the legal system, they feel like they've been robbed by criminals? Why is every industry upside down when it comes to good sense? This is the reason. Artificial trumps natural in a corrupt system... the artificial will always pay more than the natural. What are you going to see more of in the grocery store? Garbage they can make a fortune on or natural products they can only make a slight percentage? 

However, in a system based on ever increasing debt, it can't go on forever... so every so often it must be reset... and here we are today... on the precipice of a "Great Reset." The crisis of the Century, courtesy of those who have benefited the most from the system for the past hundred years and those who intend to perpetuate it for another 100.

And they're going to need stupid people to keep it going! 

Fiat currency is the World's One Religion dedicated to stupidity. A Satanic religion that is practiced by nearly everyone. That gives people, in their own mind, the justification to contemplating slitting their neighbor's throat in desperation or in "self-defense" and eventually having to do it.

“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed – in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical – and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack. For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.”
~ Dietrich Bonhoffer "Letters and Papers from Prison"

 If you are one of those who would be interested in avoiding stupidity, there are some paths available!

Consider checking out Autonomy, the Ethical Emergence Course I instruct, or spending some time in Acapulco during the Winter!

Respirar Acapulco is a blog that is also an effort to meet and collaborate with like-minded people. Knowledgeable, trustworthy, inspired people coming together with the willing and friendly communities of Acapulco. Which is strategically located, fertile ground for entrepreneurs, has a low cost of living, a high quality of life, a healthy culture, and much more. Here, we can demonstrate and breathe life into the tremendous possibilities for truth, freedom, and prosperity for all who desire it, together. If this sound interesting...You are invited to participate! Join us!


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