Why is bad behavior so destructive and yet so popular? What does excellence look like when interacting with people online?

On our way to becoming pod people, what does good and bad behavior look like as we live more and more of our lives "online?" Or maybe online could be better described as the "Metaverse" or is it "the Matrix?" Nevertheless, as people become more and more conditioned into an artificial environment that isn't designed for their benefit but to take advantage of their weaknesses. It may not be clear to most, but to those who wish to be free and responsible for themselves , they've got to set some standards of conduct for recognizing beneficial behavior and harmful behavior. Therefore, Ethics and understanding the value of them is going to be of increasing importance! Let's start with the basics first... Why does society h ave rules of etiquette? According to polishedmanners.co.uk: Etiquette is about kindness, it is about being friendly, it is about being polite, it is about integrity, it is about good manners. Etiquette helps us know how to trea...