There's Good News in Rampant Stupidity!

 It is indeed one of the best times to be alive! We're living in one of the greatest eras of human stupidity ever and that's a wonderful thing! No, I'm not advocating for stupidity... I absolutely abhor it, but it's a great place to start something spectacular from. And that's what has me giddy.

Distinguishing and setting ourselves apart through intelligent behavior is easier than ever. And when done correctly, it's not threatening or dangerous, it's welcoming and comforting. And even more so, addictive.

Having stupidity as an alternative to an intelligent product or service is nothing short of a Godsend!

At this point I will remind the reader of my past reference to the Communicative Function of Aberrant Behavior. People want to be loved, if they can't get love, they'll seek Approval. If they can't get Approval, they'll accept Attention... initially for Good Behavior but if not, Bad Behavior. And this goes far beyond conscious behavior, this is something about our human nature that for millennia, medicine men, shamen, gurus, yogis, even some psychologists have known and understood.

Bad behavior is a sign of desperation. Violent behavior is the most desperate. It is the behavior itself that is a clue to what is behind the trouble. For example, if one looks at the Seven Sins and the opposite, the Seven Virtues, one can begin to get an idea of where the trouble may be coming from.

Wrath for example, otherwise known as Anger. The virtue tied to it is Patience. Digging into the root of someone's anger will probably reveal something that requires more patience and of course, ultimately love.

The good news is stupidity is easily cured. Beyond that, people who work together to eliminate it, build trust. Even further, as intelligent behavior becomes clearer, it's even more addictive to those who have suffered with stupidity! And there's much more down that path!

I'm going to leave it there but I would point out this is something that is being worked on and played with in places like Autonomy, my course Ethical Emergence, and PALI Acapulco (Podolsky Advanced Learning Institute). If you're interested in more knowledge or information, those are places to go. You know I will always advocate for Acapulco as a place to be in the Winter. There's much learning to be done and fun to be had.

Respirar Acapulco is a blog that is also an effort to meet and collaborate with like-minded people. Knowledgeable, trustworthy, inspired people coming together with the willing and friendly communities of Acapulco. Which is strategically located, fertile ground for entrepreneurs, has a low cost of living, a high quality of life, a healthy culture, and much more. Here, we can demonstrate and breathe life into the tremendous possibilities for truth, freedom, and prosperity for all who desire it, together. If this sound interesting...You are invited to participate! Join us!


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