The Genius of Alfred Korzybski

You are not going to find his name or his work in many schools or universities today. Few even know his name or his ideology. However, most are effected by his work. The social engineers of the last century have taken much of his work and incorporated it into their operations. But rather than freeing humanity, they've enslaved most of them with convenience.

The good news is, his work is still available to be examined and learned from. Who knows how much longer that will be so, it's in those of us who recognize the urgency hands to take action. Not only to learn, but also to apply his concepts. 

There is no way I can encapsulate his work adequately in the short format but I'm going to hit some of the important points and encourage those of you who are  curious to dig deeper! I'm always available for inquiry if you feel the urge to discuss his work or have questions about it.

Briefly, one of his most famous statements "The Map is not the territory" is still frequently used. And to a large degree, as I said has been turned upside down. As we are witnessing humanity choose to live on the map, as in "virtual reality," rather than take on the difficult task of discerning the reality of the territory. His second great contribution in my eyes is that of offering an alternative view of human nature... that we differ from the plants and animals in a very distinct way. We are "time-binders." We can learn from the past, apply it to the present, and make our own future. However, this requires a rather flexible point of view on time, we need to be well versed in moving back and forth from the big picture to present day reality... our attention span therefore needs to be able to go from long format to short format and back and that isn't what people have been conditioned to do... again, it's the opposite. Most are having their attention span programmed to that of a knat primarily to enhance the draw and motivation of convenience.

There's much more, we're just scratching the surface...

Here's a couple of sites to visit to learn more about Alfred Korzybski and his ideas:

Steve Stockdale

The Institute of General Semantics

Korzybski speaking on General Semantics

Breaking down Aristotellian Thought

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