Is it time to reflect honestly on Crypto? It's really starting to uncover an even larger s***show!

Observing the carnage from the recent crypto-exchange implosions, there are serious lessons to be learned... but are people really ready to do the work to see the truth and be honest with themselves? Especially those who have been cheerleaders for the technology since the first or second spike up... Many have allowed themselves to be swept up in their own rhetoric and have their own financial security compromised with their involvement. There's an obvious conflict of interest for most people involved in crypto these days. Whether people have noticed it or not. Dreamstudio's AI bot: "The chaos of crypto, government and central banking" Which leads me to the suggestion that hard questions need to be asked. Serious discussions need to be had and good answers need to be brought forth and arrived at. Firstly, one has to take note of the origins and have to at least consider the strong possibility of government involvement. With these latest scams, one also has to consider...