Another Crypto update... It gets worse...

 I'm not going to say a whole bunch here. Just posting this for the record. Two, reports from some of the insiders who are starting to dig into the data and discovering massive problems.

Who is next? More hints of trouble...

In my opinion, this isn't the 2008-10 crisis in crypto, this is the dot com bubble pop in crypto, only worse. Interesting that this is happening as the central banks are whispering their long-term plans for CBDC. Another created crisis? The connections to government insiders do seem to suggest some troubling possibilities.

I haven't heard many people talking about this aberration in Tether, but the fact it continues to creep along isn't reassuring IMHO...

Could this mean BTC to less than $5k? Less than $2.5k? With all the potential for more dirt to be found... and it's effect on people's confidence... it is certainly a possibility.

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