The election is over... nothing has changed for the better... now what?

For those of you in the USSA and much of the world, far too many people have let other people's ideas run their lives. For months now there has been a reverberating message from much of the media, in particular, the alternative media, that the Communists/ Fascists (for lack of a better term) in charge were going to be thrown out of office. That the faltering economy, the sky high inflation, the price of gas, the funding of the War in Ukraine, and numerous other things that had gone wrong was going to be the axe for many of Washington's corrupt politicians. 

However, the election is now behind us and very little has happened. The most ridiculous candidates ever elected might be one thing to note. But beyond that, the system is going to continue to churn out bad news for those who pay attention, and for the rest... they probably won't even notice why their life continues to get more difficult.

What might we learn from this?

One thing I believe I can safely predict. It will continue to get worse. The economy is tanking, just about every known indicator points down. Inflation will continue to grow on necessary supplies, while things like homes and cars will probably drop as people don't have disposable cash. Gas will probably see $10 in the USSA, and Diesel may go far higher if the weather turns to the worse. The prospect of even more Wars seems to be, almost a guarantee.

But that doesn't mean we need to lose hope. Because for the most part, these narratives only matter if we allow them to matter. We have the ability to control a great deal of things that happen and really matter in our lives. If we use this occasion to stop allowing our attention to be diverted by things we have no or little control of, we can dedicate that time and attention towards things that can truly make a positive impact on our lives as well as the lives of those around us.

Taking charge of our focus each day we can improve things that empower us. Things like our:

  • Attitude
  • Education
  • Skills and Abilities
  • Habits and Practices
  • Relationships and our Networks
  • Health and Exercise
  • Diet
  • Income and Expenses
  • Emotional IQ
  • Spiritual Development
  • Location
Our future is really about the narratives we chose to allow into our hearts and minds. It's reflected in what comes out of our mouths and in our actions... as well as what we offer that's valuable to the rest of the world. If we choose narratives about things we control, we have a much better chance of succeeding regardless of the things outside of our control.

Respirar Acapulco is a blog that is also an effort to meet and collaborate with like-minded people. Knowledgeable, trustworthy, inspired people coming together with the willing and friendly communities of Acapulco. Which is strategically located, fertile ground for entrepreneurs, has a low cost of living, a high quality of life, a healthy culture, and much more. Here, we can demonstrate and breathe life into the tremendous possibilities for truth, freedom, and prosperity for all who desire it, together. If this sound interesting...You are invited to participate! Join us!


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