Is it time to reflect honestly on Crypto? It's really starting to uncover an even larger s***show!

Observing the carnage from the recent crypto-exchange implosions, there are serious lessons to be learned... but are people really ready to do the work to see the truth and be honest with themselves? Especially those who have been cheerleaders for the technology since the first or second spike up... Many have allowed themselves to be swept up in their own rhetoric and have their own financial security compromised with their involvement. There's an obvious conflict of interest for most people involved in crypto these days. Whether people have noticed it or not.

Dreamstudio's AI bot: "The chaos of crypto, government and central banking" 

Which leads me to the suggestion that hard questions need to be asked. Serious discussions need to be had and good answers need to be brought forth and arrived at.

Firstly, one has to take note of the origins and have to at least consider the strong possibility of government involvement. With these latest scams, one also has to consider the idea that many of these scammers... and possibly many more had insider connections and knowledge of government or banker involvement. The first difficult question: Where is the real value being created with crypto?

Secondly, it's clear there's not too many people who can't be fooled. And fooled easily no less. Use the right jargan and devious individuals can easily be the sweetheart of the community. We don't have to speculate, we've got examples! "Decentralized" is certainly an overused word in crypto. Most of what is being called decentralized is far from actually being it. Do people really have solid examples of due diligence in this industry?

Thirdly, the recent discoveries of the amounts of money being tossed around to the "alternative" media by these corrupted sources to promote their schemes is something to ponder upon. The third difficult question: Are the central bankers quietly funding the development of this first generation of crypto to create the workforce it's going to need for it's CBDCs?

Fourth, the boldness of the scammers suggest they have insider support. In some cases the connections have been clearly and painfully identified. Where are the innovative entrepreneurs in this industry coming from and could they be vetted better? What would be a good rule of thumb?

Fifth, generally, exchanging crypto costs more than laundering drug money. Isn't the large margins to exchange crypto an indication that it's not decentralized at all?

Sixth, when people are focused on one thing, they can't see anything else. With the use of fear, doubt, and ignorance by those "in the know," it's very easy to spot the marks and useful idiots. They announce it themselves. This is also another element and key advantage to the powers that be of the institutionalyzing of the "professions." People are rewarded titles and special papers for towing the line rather than being curious and innovative. Isn't this creating a very obvious fragile and high risk environment? What might be an alternative?

Seventh, and I'll stop here for brevity, cryptos have become much like the laughable stock markets. Bad news and rising prices across the board seem to occur simultaneously at very odd times. To me this has to bring up some difficult questions of who is buying? Are they really dedicated to the 21+ k cryptos that all rise almost simultaneously? That kind of market certainly isn't indicating the signs of a free market. Another difficult question: Are the crypto-markets free markets or corrupted markets?

All of this speaks to a larger problem. Western society has had over a century of dedicated propaganda, institutionalized obedience training, institutionalized dumbing-down, incessant television and media programming, to name just a few of the campaigns waged against the masses. The typical person, which includes you and I, has been domesticated to such an extent that it's a difficult time to recognize even one original thought. This is something brought up in the "Four Agreements" book, domestication.

We've got a myriad of bad stereotypes, habits and beliefs to contend with. Layered on top of each other like an onion covered in multiple spider webs. We've got numerous distractions to endure. In addition to all that, many people are exhausting themselves just trying to make ends meet. Then there's the trauma and stress. Poor diets. Contaminated air, water, and food. Needless to say, very few have time to pay attention to anything other than what's directly in front of them. 

With all that said, far too many people are burying their heads into flat screens every waking hour of their lives. It's not too difficult to see how people are being misled so easily.

However, not all is lost. To see clearly, to be able to really be honest with one's self, is possible. It's going to take a dedicated effort to undomesticate themselves. To be rewilded. But there are people doing it. I repeat, it is possible! There is an end to the upside-down world. It's called taking responsibility, asking tough questions and not allowing bullsh** to continue.

If this is something you'd like to learn more about, I do have some suggestions.

Respirar Acapulco is a blog that is also an effort to meet and collaborate with like-minded people. Knowledgeable, trustworthy, inspired people coming together with the willing and friendly communities of Acapulco. Which is strategically located, fertile ground for entrepreneurs, has a low cost of living, a high quality of life, a healthy culture, and much more. Here, we can demonstrate and breathe life into the tremendous possibilities for truth, freedom, and prosperity for all who desire it, together. If this sound interesting...You are invited to participate! Join us!


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