
Showing posts from February, 2022

Perpetual War - No Thank You!

Another war fueled by foolish political puppets, financiers, and war-profiteers. Be assured it will also benefit those who know people only have so much attention to spend. All the egregious inequities of the past few years washed away into the past by yet another "crisis." The fiction of state actions is on full display today. The supposed "country" of Russia attacking the "country" of Ukraine.  For those that don't know, it takes a great deal of money to field an army. It takes even more to field two. Then to build a narrative that people in each of those armies will put themselves on a battlefield to be   annihilated and sacrificed. Very expensive.  Enemies are expensive. Especially when compared to the abundance of peace. When will people learn? As peaceful people, we need to get the good news out.  Peace = Abundance. War = Scarcity. Choose wisely!

Oh Canada... Canadians are discovering the evil they've been blind to for Centuries

  The recent egregious actions from the Canadian government is nothing new. The "third world" has been dealing with this sort of insanity for 100+ years. With a great deal more viciousness and blood lust. The 'chickens are coming home to roost' and the USSA is going to get an even stronger dose primarily because the American taxpayers have continued to fund the most destructive and deadly organization of tyrants ever. The rest of the world hasn't forgotten. Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, even Hitler wouldn't have existed without the help of the very same people who guided the US government over the past century. Americans have certainly benefited from the destruction of Europe, China, Japan as well as many other cultures throughout the history of the United States. There aren't very many places on the Earth that haven't been touched by the corrupted power the US government has employed. Watching a documentary of the overthrow of Salvador Allende in Chile by the...

The Gold Mine of Problem Solving

 Have we unlearned how to learn? Are the techniques we've be taught serve us?  For most that have endured institutionalized schooling, they've had 15,000 hours of conditioning that achieved what? Let's start this story with a fighter pilot. "40 sec Boyd" one of the best fighter pilots ever. He could be in an enemy's gun sight and within 40 seconds he would have turned the tables. How did he achieve such tremendous consistent results? Accelerated learning. He called it the OODA loop. He suggested the pilot that can process OODA loops faster, was the one more likely to win a dogfight.  The OODA loop represents a problem-solving process. A way of thinking, a perspective, that delivers an alternative to what most people consider "learning". It delivers on three different aspects. Hard skills - Technical development; Soft skills - People skills; Ethics - learning excellence. Interesting that this comes from a military man?  When your life is on the line, ...

Will Good Deeds go Unpunished?

 The battle lines are being drawn and freedom for Canadians and all the people in other countries whose governments are closely watching the situation there. It is a serious time for the freedom minded! Check out these two videos. On one side, the well paid government officials pleading for the law enforcement to mass arrest peaceful people. The statements from several of the city officials are SHOCKING! MADNESS! On the other side, concerned, relatively well informed (they're not voluntaryists) and well behaved people asking for cooperation and peace. Quite a interesting situation developing in Canada. Freedom is becoming a buzz word... and that is a good thing. But don't be surprised if this takes on the feel of a roller coaster ride. Good deeds don't go unpunished in bizarro world. Divide and Conquer has been the rule of thumb for over a century. Is it time to consider healing the wounds and uniting together under the banner of freedom to consent? We can have differences ...

Dealing with the "Valley of Despair" on the Path to Greater Awareness

  Many people in the movement describe a loneliness that occurs once they proceed down one of the many rabbit-holes that awareness in the freedom community brings about. Being labeled a "conspiracy theorist" or "crazy" for the first time can also bring this about.  As many in Canada are finding out, the truth isn't exclusive to those in power. And those in power benefit in many cases from people willing to cede their responsibility to inform themselves. When the people are willing to believe ridiculous lies and make it profitable. The government and those who use government will take advantage of that.  Here's a brief video that I found that I think demonstrates much so eloquently from someone who is just discovering the severe blindness the government has developed for people's right to live peacefully. I really appreciate the way he addressed people's fears. Did you? Many still don't understand the ramifications of not recognizing the chance to...

Is living Peacefully even Possible?

                                     War, disharmony, conflict seem to be ever-present in modern society. However, there is another parallel reality that is very much in tune with nature and abundance. One simply has to be aware that it is indeed possible. The world is but a mirror. If we want a peaceful world we can start within.  Here are seven pieces of wisdom toward Inner Peace from Buddism.   1. Attachment leads to suffering 2. Buddhism is about desiring the right things 3. Sensual pleasures leads to suffering 4. From misery grows beauty 5. Good company is important 6. A trained mind leads to happiness 7. Short term evil has long term consequences Here are seven lessons from the Stoics on mastering Inner Peace. 7 Stoic principles: 1. Thinking about what could go wrong and accepting it 2. Realize what is in our control and what is not; Pr...

How has "Normal" been Hijacked?

“English is a slave language.” Referencing  Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o’s book “Decolonising the Mind” and Alfred Korzybski’s General Semantics. Words are powerful. Defining those words properly is important, especially when those words can trigger emotions like anger, disgust, fear for some while joy, happiness, love for others. Words can be used to divide. ‘Anarchists’ certainly know this too well. How has Normal Changed?- 3 February 2022 - Watch Video   “Normal” is a rather subjective word. It’s an important word to examine. What has “Normal” meant for people over the past 70-80 years? One lifetime. For a large portion of a country’s population, there is a relatively common experience. What did that look like? In 1950, the median age in the US was 23.4, by 2020 it was 38.5. If we discuss what was and what is “normal” in the lives of the average person along the timeline over the past 70-80 years, one may see some interesting things. What has changed? What changed it? How much was tel...

The High Costs of Psychological War: Trauma Everywhere!

  In a psychological war, the wounded aren’t as obvious as previous "Hot" Wars. But for those that have spent some time with it. This is what they see everywhere they go. It is a hidden epidemic of unbelievable proportions and it has a corrupted marketplace that supports it. The reality cries out for better. And there are people not only doing triage but also the long term healing and understanding necessary to turn this around and achieve peace and harmony. Video: Excerpt of Willow Grimm discussing Trauma Much like townspeople discovering there’s a leak from a nearby chemical plant contaminating their drinking water. There is a toxic result from the fiat money system’s method of control that needs to be addressed. It’s not just harming the little guy, it harms everyone and it’s to everyone’s benefit that the shooting stops… figuratively and literally in this era of psychological combat. The average person has been entirely unprepa...

Harbinger: Trudeau's Reaction to the Freedom Convoy

Before we discuss what may indicate a sign of things to come, how about a comparison. Many of the most hardcore freedom fighters and superheroes of the voluntaryist community spend a portion or the entire month of February in Acapulco. For those of you who have already experienced it and those who have a desire to... Acapulco is calling you! Wouldn’t you like to experience some of the “Freedom” the Canadians are currently demonstrating they care so much about? Compared to standing outside of a government building filled with con-men in -30 degree weather, don't the beaches, the temperatures, and the vistas of Acapulco sound so much more appealing? Practice freedom my friends! You live in the present. Enjoy your life. Pick your tribe wisely! The definition of Harbinger: Trudeau’s Reaction - Blog for Feb 1, 2022 - Watch Video Let me add in more good news, my housemate for February, Rob, has released a new music video! Check it out! Congrats to Rob and stay tuned… some NFT action too?...