What lessons can be learned from the Insanity in the Ukraine?
As I've said before, it may look bleak at times, but, the bleaker the challenge, the more willingness to find opportunities. This is one of those occasions for YOU. Shout out to Stefan Molyneux and his video " The Story of Your Enslavement" . It formed a great deal of the basis for my diatribe today. In simple terms, he explains humans have been dumbed-down and conditioned into domesticated cattle. Cattle on a farm. Their only value is in their ability to be controlled. Not a pretty picture to awaken to. Side note: I'm hosting a Leadership, Ethics and Organization discussion on the Ukraine this Wednesday (the meeting is taped every Wednesday with a live audience and my guest is my new friend and fellow Autonomy graduate Taras, who was born in Moscow when it was still the USSR and has ancestry and family in the Ukraine. He will be able to provide us with keen insight into the reality of the situation. So, in preparation, I wanted to spend a little time looking into thi...