
Showing posts from March, 2022

What lessons can be learned from the Insanity in the Ukraine?

As I've said before, it may look bleak at times, but, the bleaker the challenge, the more willingness to find opportunities. This is one of those occasions for YOU. Shout out to Stefan Molyneux and his video " The Story of Your Enslavement" . It formed a great deal of the basis for my diatribe today. In simple terms, he explains humans have been dumbed-down and conditioned into domesticated cattle. Cattle on a farm. Their only value is in their ability to be controlled. Not a pretty picture to awaken to. Side note: I'm hosting a Leadership, Ethics and Organization discussion on the Ukraine this Wednesday (the meeting is taped every Wednesday with a live audience and my guest is my new friend and fellow Autonomy graduate Taras, who was born in Moscow when it was still the USSR and has ancestry and family in the Ukraine. He will be able to provide us with keen insight into the reality of the situation. So, in preparation, I wanted to spend a little time looking into thi...

What if the UN is wrong with it's Population numbers?

Does it seem to you we have a consensus on the number of people on the planet these days? Everyone seems to repeat the same number (7 billion) but when asked where the number came from nearly no one has an idea of how it was arrived at.  It raised my alarm bells when I looked at the growth of the population of China according to the UN. From 1950 until 1980 China's population doubled from about 500 million to 1 billion. Creating the circumstance that the Communist government then instituted the one child policy, which according to the Communist officials, slowed the rate of growth and allowed prosperity and average wages to increase rapidly.  However, between 1950 and 1980 was also when a famine occurred so severe it killed between 50 and 100 million people... not to mention a tyrannical Communist government... who imprisoned tens of millions and no doubt killed millions of dissenters. Have we ever seen an incident where, at the same time there's a shortage of food, the popula...

What is the cost of being a Victim?

This may go beyond the PC arena so prepare yourself. Far too many people have slipped into the situation in which, they are the victim. In many cases unknowingly. It's fairly easy to fall into a subconscious habit if that habit is repeated ceaselessly, as it is in the media in all it's forms. I don't exclude myself... we all have received conditioning... and in this day and age... the amount of programming is staggering. Add the addiction to compromised devices, compromised processes, compromised institutions, compromised information, it's truly a tremendous inter-connected monstrosity. Even when people innocently point the finger of blame at others... they are quietly or not so quietly admitting they are a victim. This is powerful sign to be aware of. Victimhood is essentially admitting powerlessness. When the powers that should not be look out and see the human terrain of people angry and upset at each other, they probably sit back and laugh. The masses are unknowingl...

What could we learn from the Dot-com bust? ...the Crypto-Bubble could erase 95% of the Crypto!

An interesting study would be to check out the Superbowl ads from 1996 until 2002. A great deal of failed ideas and concepts that had only years or months earlier collected billions will most likely be on display. For those who were in the market euphoria of the 90's, we remember the hysteria that the first iteration of the internet era, with Wall Street's and the bankers help, wrought. IPOs for anything with a .com skyrocketed weekly. Cash burn rates on most of the"tech" companies, even Amazon, seemed unsustainable... and sure enough, they were. By the end of 2000, it was clear the business models weren't nearly as refined as promised and it wasn't just a marketing problem. Plain old business principles were lacking, and low and behold, a several year crash resulted. The Nasdaq went from around 800 in 1995 to 5000 in early 2000 and then deflated back to near 1100 by late 2002. Much of the money "invested" disappeared into advertising.  Howev...

A book from 1989 on the Collapse of the Soviet Union sheds light on the USSA Today

 For those of you that haven't read the Art of War. Sun Tzu warns that extended military campaigns that lasts more than a year will destroy that country's economy. 2,000 years later the fall of the Soviet Union proved it again. You can't have a country's economy based on projecting military power and neglect everything else. The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.  Here we are 31 years later about to witness it again with the USSA. In the last 20 years, the official US government debt has expanded 6x, from less than $5 trillion in 2001 to more than $30 trillion in 2022 . With a current annual debt incurred of over 3.1 trillion! That's 3100 billion... or 1 billion for each county in the US. Imagine having to raise $1 billion from your local community. And that's the official government numbers... the truth is much worse unfortunately. Checkout this C-SPAN eye opening interview from 1989. At the time, I was stationed in West Germany courtesy of the US Army. Guarding ...

Refugees from Tyranny... We have an Opportunity for YOU: Acapulco!

 It isn't enough to simply complain about how things are and be disappointed, disillusioned or disgusted for people who value freedom. We've got to be demonstrating it. Understanding that freedom is about giving people better choices... and the responsibility that goes with those choices. Our best bet is to be enlightening people on what is excellence and what isn't... so they CAN make better choices themselves. Estimates suggest that 4-5 million people are going to be leaving the Ukraine for better surroundings and less explosions. Something like 25 million Americans have left their crappy jobs for greener pastures. Pinnacles of freedom embodied in countries like Canada, Australia and New Zealand are now on the verge of being Technocratic nightmares.  For those able, and those who truly appreciate what freedom can be, I'm suggesting considering Acapulco as, and at the very least a place to visit and unwind from the craziness of the rest of the world. Many believe Acapu...


"Forgiving yourself is the hardest thing to do." I found that advice interesting, but I never thought it applied to me when I was younger. Let me tell you a little story from personal experience. If you don't mind... I did my share of pondering about what was right and wrong and considered myself well adjusted and informed to the right side. I thought that was "ethical". I refused large bribes, I didn't steal, I earned. I stayed honest with people... in heavy-duty architecture, engineering, and construction no less, and when it came to my record, it was spotless for the go-getter and ass-kicker I was. I was proud I made things happen... ahead of schedule, below budget, and of excellent quality. That's the project manager's triangle... and the rule is, you can only get two... I got three! All of the time. The secret was productivity... getting people to work with each other better. Much better! I did that exceptionally well on construction projects, I...

The Proliferation of Useful Idiots and what YOU can do about it

Listening to a video on the work of HP Lovecraft this morning I found it very interesting. One of the things that caught my attention, he was a believer in something called Cosmicism.  Wikipedia, has this explanation:   The philosophy of cosmicism states "that there is no recognizable  divine  presence, such as a  god , in the  universe , and that humans are particularly insignificant in the larger scheme of  intergalactic  existence."  The most prominent theme is humanity's fear of their insignificance in the face of an incomprehensibly large universe:  a fear of the cosmic  void . It goes on to describe HP Lovecraft further: " Throughout his adult life, Lovecraft was never able to support himself from earnings as an author and editor. He was virtually unknown during his lifetime and was almost exclusively published in pulp magazines before his death. A scholarly revival of Lovecraft's work began in the 1970s, and he is now regarde...

Where the F*** were these Peace loving Politicians for the last couple Decades?

 The Russian-Ukrainian conflict seems to have brought out a whole bunch of politicians condemning aggression and War. The leaders of the UK and the US being the most unbelievable of all. Where have they been for the past few decades? Bombing and strafing civilians for two decades in a long list of countries didn't seem to be a problem for them then...  For those of us who have done our homework on the subject, we know it is military aggression and greed by the NATO and the EU that has led to the circumstances we have now. Putin has been and probably will be one of their good buddies. Just doing the bidding of the financial interests. It's WWE wrestling on steroids on the news front. Putin is the new/old bad guy. And the Western Politicians get to represent the 'free people of the world'... advocating for "democracy" as the 'good guys'. They know full well, democracy is a scam... and as Plato pointed out clearly, is only one more step toward tyranny.  T...

Breaking free of Slavery is only Step One

 It doesn't get easier when it comes to claiming your freedom.  Imagine a slave escaping their plantation... being on the outside of the plantation but inside another hostile environment that is, for the most part, unknown is... even more dangerous. And at every step, there are all sorts of possible risks. It's a tough world... and it's even tougher when you don't know what you are up against. Which leads to the reasons one seeks freedom and why freedom is so valuable... What is it that makes freedom priceless?  It may be different for different people, speaking for myself, it's about the difference between scarcity and abundance. It's the difference between fear and love. Being loved for who you truly are rather than having to fear being shamed for being different. Understanding one can produce abundance rather than being relegated to acting in fear that there won't be enough is immensely different. Does that justify risking life and limb? If one considers ...