Ukraine: Are their valuable lessons to learn? Especially from our Veterans and Military Professionals?

I've been spending some time looking into the reality of what is actually going on in the Ukraine. Being in the military myself for 9+ years, and understanding the profession, as well as understanding how things really work above and below the table, I've got a pretty decent B/S detector in this area and I hope to demonstrate that through my prose. So, looking at the conduct of the "War"(I have reservations about calling it a War... it's more likely a death machine for Ukrainians but I continue..) so far, the actual on the ground progress and actions taken; in the profession of war-making and war-fighting, both sides are absolute dismal failures. War is absolute idiocy... but with the tools available, a decent execution of the tactical plan the Russians demonstrated, they should have been able to win this "War" in three or four days. The good ole' "Shock and Awe" of the Gulf War One, being a good example. So we can say without a doubt, th...